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Steel fang and their daemon allies continues chasing the orruks through dell and the towards south in the direction of Lendu, slaying any bands they can find in their way to reach their leader of Da Choppas they encouraged all of various apex predators driven into a frenzy by followers of Gorka Morka and kragnos vast hordes that trampled the land as they March south. Rondhol’s re-awoken heart now beats within the minds of the orruks, grots, ogors, and troggoths of the land – whipping them up in a frenzied desire to move, to krump, and to destroy.  The false predator has shown its fangs it’s now time to the true predator to crush them in its jaws ending the hunt for orruk that slaughtered their former leader and claiming the mighty beast skull for the crimson dragon as the need for blood beats in heads of warriors of the steel fang like peel of thunder and lightning driving them onward through the hordes of orruks they steel fang forces swollen with new warriors of tribes of dark oath and blood bound that conquer on in the dell or as khornate war bands hear about the chance to claim skull of orruks warlords and gain personal glory and power