Sigmar Cart
Death Racing through the Mortal Realms
Sigmar Cart
Throughout the Mortal Realms, with the advent of trade and free cities, a spectacular sport has started to form near these cities. In each city, these races are called something different but on the open plains near Tempest Eye Sigmar Cart has become the craziest, deadliest sport available to those daring, stupid, or in-debt enough to race in.
It is intended to be played with others, but there is also a solo version found below
The original ruleset for Sigmar Cart was written by David “khaos_zand3r” Hayes, and was play tested by the Sons of Slambo, San Antonio, TX, USA
The Racers
Ideally, this game type should be played with 4-8 players. A modifier for Solo Play can be found at the end of Part 4.Each player selects a single model of the predetermined weight class. This model must be a non-Hero, must be mounted (or reasonably close to such / sufficiently mobile), and may not have the Monster keyword nor be on a base larger than 90x120mm. If the model is the Champion or Musician variant, it costs an additional 5 points (note this may bump it to the next tier). Lists of most currently available models that fall into the following Tiers are provided in Part 6.
- Light Tier = <50 pts, no more than 4 Wounds
- Mid Tier = 40-100pts
- Heavy Tier = 90-150pts
For every X points you are under the most expensive Racer (Low: X=5, Mid: X=10, High: X=15), you get a free “Wild” D6 that can be used in any 1 phase. For example, the Wild D6 can be used to boost a Run, boost a Charge, roll an extra Attack, or extra Save. Only 1 of these Wild Dice can be used per phase, and once used it is lost.
No Allegiance Abilities will be used.
The Map
The race should take place on a standard AOS table, with terrain and “spectators” (infantry models from the Racers’ respective factions) arranged to form the track. The track should wrap around the table space and aim to use as much space as possible.
The track must be no less than 4″ wide at its narrowest point for a Light or Mid Tier race, or 10″ wide for a Heavy Tier race; ie, it must be impossible for the track to be blocked by a single Racer.
Small pieces of terrain may obstruct the track, so long as there is enough space for two Racers to pass it simultaneously. It may not be climbed over. Terrain with rules will be altered to thematically allow all Racers to be affected equally (though only 1 type per race). Examples in Part 4.
Here is an example Track, based on one of the first layouts we play tested, on a 4’x6’ table. [Map made in Inkarnate]
The Race
Pole position is determined the same as deployment: all Racers roll a D6, and then choose their starting position in descending order.
The First Round is completed in order of Pole Position, and Phase structure is mostly the same as in AOS proper. In subsequent Rounds, the players act in order from last place to first, based on their positions at the start of the Round.
If a Racer is slain, their model is placed on its side and remains on the track as an Obstacle (can be climbed over). They will heal X at the start of their next turn, plus an additional X per turn they have been out (Light Tier: X=1, Mid Tier: X=D3, Heavy Tier: X=D6). Once fully healed, stand the model upright and continue your turn.
The winner is the first to complete a number of laps around the track, as determined by your group.
Phase adjustments:
- The Hero Phase is generally not used. Players do not gain a Command Point at the start of their turn, unless using the optional Pit Crew rules.
- All Moves must stay within the bounds of the track, to include flying Racers (they still ignore other models and terrain which is on the track while moving, but must be able to land at the end of the move). You may still Run/Retreat, but as such may not Shoot or Charge afterward. During this Phase, you can not move within 1″ of the other Racers (rather than the 3″ of standard AOS)
- Racers which can Shoot may only target other Racers in their forward arc (cannot drive backwards or turn 180 to target someone behind you). You can shoot across the bounds of the track at a -1 to Hit, as long as you have visibility.
If that -1 causes your shot to fail, you have accidentally hit a spectator! Roll to Wound on the crowd - Charging functions as normal: if the roll is insufficient to get within 1/2″ an enemy Racer, the charge fails and you do not move.
- Combat is only completed for the Racers in contact with the Racer whose turn it is. Do not make Pile In moves.
- The Battleshock Phase is not used.
Optional Rules / Race Modifiers
Below you’ll find optional rules that you can use to create your own custom races and help ‘set’ them within your city or realm. You’ll also find the Solo version of the game explained here
Power Dice
Up to 4 rows of D3’s are laid out across the Track, with 1D3 per Racer in each row. You may pick up 1 and only 1 by moving across it. Roll at the end of Movement Phase during which you picked it up, and consult the table (Roll an additional time for each Racer ahead of you):
- Immediately move an additional 1″
- +1 Attack on one of your weapons until your next turn
- +1 to Save until your next turn (on duplicate rolls, Heal 1 wound instead)
- Power Dice regenerate on the 3rd Round after they are picked up
Endless Spells
Endless Spells could also be used as a race modifier. For example, Chronomantic Cogs would add 2″ to everyone’s move and Charges. A Suffocating Gravetide could start behind all the players and move up along the track in between Rounds. Soulsnare Shackles could be placed as a hazard, with the three models in a line across the track (one in the center, one on each edge).
Support Heroes
Heroes with abilities that affect models in range can also be placed along the edges of the track, and will affect all Racers that are within the ability’s range. Each player may place 1 in the crowd. To keep things limited, it is best to not overlap these areas. If the Hero’s ability is a Command Ability, it is assumed to be active at all times. For example, a Bloodsecrator of Khorne would give all Racers +1 Attack to all melee weapon profiles while wholly within 16″. If a shooting attack goes across the crowd where the Hero is standing and misses (as outlined in part 3), the damage is specifically allocated to that Hero.
Pit Crew: Alternatively, each player can take a number of such Heroes (all players should get the same number) from their respective faction and place them in the Crowd along the Track. In this case, such Heroes act according to all restrictions on their Warscrolls. Any abilities that target enemy units may not be used. Wizards or Priests with an available Lore in their Allegiance may choose from said Lore, but only if the chosen Spell or Prayer only targets the friendly unit. Any Command Abilities, Spells, or Prayers are activated in the Hero Phase as usual.
Realm Rules
Your Race may take place in one of the Realms, utilizing the Realmscape features provided in General’s Handbook 2020.
Special Terrain
Terrain with their own rules may be placed on the edges of the track or even in the center, within the restrictions listed above. Examples:
- Feculent Gnarlmaw: all Racers are affected by both terrain abilities
- Awakened Wyldwood: Rouse by Magic is not used, and the roots between the trees do not block movement
- Herdstone: Locus of Savagery is not used, and all Racers to include Beasts of Chaos are affected by Entropic Lodestone
- Gnawholes: All 3 must be placed on the edges of the track. All Racers treat the terrain as being Deadly, and may use the Tunnels Through Reality rule without needing the Skaventide Hero and without the “enemies 9 inches away” restriction. However, when doing so roll a D3 – on a 1 you come out the first Gnawhole along the track, on a 2 come out of the second, and on a 3 come out of the third. If there is no space on that track at that Gnawhole where your model can be placed, or you roll for the Gnawhole you are currently at, your model is caught in the warp and will roll again at the start of your next turn.
- Penumbral Engine: use the warscroll as normal. Whoever has the first turn in the round rolls for Deteriorating State. A Racer may spend any Command Points gained through Orrery of Illumination to grant themselves At the Double or Forward to Victory, or on a Command Ability possessed by their Pit Crew (see the following Race Modifier)
Any generic piece of Terrain can be given the Damned, Deadly, or Mystical rules.purpose of that action.
Solo Play
By nature of being a race, it isn’t hard to play solo (though the funnest part is the banter between players). The following “AI” table can be used to guide the actions of non-player Racers:
At the start of a non-player Racer’s turn, roll a D3 to determine its behavior.
- = Aggressive: The Racer will take all actions that result in damaging enemies. Do not Run. Any Shooting and Charging will be targeted at the closest viable enemy Racer.
- = Rush: The Racer will take any actions that move them the furthest. This likely means they will Run in the Movement Phase, unless an obvious Charge after a normal Move would take them further.
- = Strategic: The Racer will take actions that attempt to move it the furthest while also avoiding melee Combat.
Designer’s Commentary:
Below you’ll find some notes given by David and/or the playtesters. For the most up to date notes, see the original document, these are valid as of September 1st 2020
Balance: In play testing, it became apparent that some units are simply too fast to be fair in their points bracket, without other racers of the same speed being present. Most notably: Tzaangor Skyfires / Enlightened, and the Gyrocopter. Whether you choose to outright ban these units or limit their movement in some way is up to you, just know to be on the lookout for such outliers. Speaking of outliers, obviously points in Age of Sigmar are calculated and adjusted based on full units. As such, the provided points may not accurately represent balance on a model-by-model basis for racing. If something seems too weak for its cost, or too strong, make logical adjustments to bring it in line. For example, perhaps the Doom Flayer is too squishy and inconsistent to keep up with other Mid Tier Racers; an additional Wound could help it keep up with others in its bracket.
Legends Racers: As in any game, Legends models can be used at the consent of the other players. They were not included in Part 6 as I felt it wouldn’t be right to suggest models which are no longer available for sale nor continue to see points updates.
Heroic Racers: As long as all players agree, everyone may instead race using mounted Heroes, as long as there is no more than 50 points between the cheapest and most expensive Racers. Anvil of Apotheosis Heroes should also fall into this restriction. This will open up more factions to be able to participate, however it didn’t seem fair to allow Heroes to compete against regular units. As most if not all mounted Heroes will inherently fall into or exceed the Heavy Tier, the same rule for Wild Dice will be used. If conducting a Heroic Race, each player may gain a Command Point at the start of their turn as usual, though this may disproportionately benefit some Racers compared to others. Finally, only if you really want to ramp up the stakes and carnage should you consider including Command Traits and Artifacts for all Racers
Race Duration: In play testing, we never exceeded a single lap around the standard 4×6 table. This is mainly due to play being slowed as I was still introducing the rules, and we were making tweaks on the fly as need for them became apparent. Once a group has a solid grasp on the system, or if you are playing on a smaller table, 2-3 laps is probably reasonable.
Power Dice: The optional Power Dice rule is intended as a catch-up mechanic. As such, it should benefit a player more the further back they are, hence multiple rolls. It was originally going to use D4’s, but as Age of Sigmar is built on a D6 system, utilizing a D3 made more sense for accessibility.
Current Racers as of GHB2020
(if you’re on a phone, turn me horizontal and I won’t be as absolutely terrible to read)
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Find a mistake?
If you find any mistakes, or you find it plays better in some way, please feel free to get in touch with us and we’ll make it happen!
You can also get in touch on our discord!