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Welcome to your Doom

Welcome Hero! Whether by choice, by sudduction, or by accident, you have found yourself within the Beastgrave, atop the Allpeak.

The Beastgrave is a humongous mountain, possibly the biggest in all of Ghur. It towers into the clouds and is visible no matter how far you stray. Rumours speak of the Silent People, an ancient tribe of humans who lived inside and worshipped the Beastgrave. Yet now they are long gone, all that remains are their bone statues surrounding the mountains, their trinkets and relics as well as the endless sigils carved in everywhere.

Size is not the only odd thing about the Beastgrave. It has a strange and fascinating ability to instil in the mind of all those who see it to seek the urge of battle. It creeps in bit by bit at first until visions of the Beastgrave and battle continually haunt the unfortunate target. They are then drawn inside the mountain were they seal their fate, never to be seen again. Even those resistant to the call of battle are drawn in by whispered promises of vast treasure.


With Nagash’s Necroquake, however, things have taken a dark turn. The magical backlash it caused across all the realms has allowed the curse of Shadespire to escape and now it has seeped into the Beastgrave. Long-dead creatures of gigantic might and primal ferocity stir with the power of un-life. Those trapped within Shadespire have now made it to this monstrous mountain.

The curse of the Katophranes has twisted the already torturous Beastgrave. What was already an ever-changing maze of stone, acid and hazardous beasts has been “blessed” with the ability to be reborn constantly for an endless battle of bloodshed. What’s worse is now the call of the Beastgrave spreads ever more. Enticing and corrupting those in Ghur and beyond.


Your Foe

As you look about you, you immediately hear a call for battle. To arms warriors, for the Beast grave is not one to keep you still for long.

In this mission, you are fighting for your lives, you’ve only just arrived to the mountain, and you’ve been ambushed by an unknown foe.

Can you even make it past the initial call of the mountain, or will you fail here, before even starting?

In this first game, you will face your Foe found on the Enemy Table below.

Do not roll on the initial roll to determine board set-up. Instead, consider your opponent to have won.

If you are both playing this mission at the same time, roll as per usual.

Choose one of your fighters, the chosen fighter starts the game with a single wound token. If the fighter would be removed because of this, remove the fighter.


Enemy Table

Order Chaos Death Destruction
Order N/A Rival Foe Challenger
Chaos Rival N/A Challenger Foe
Death Foe Challenger N/A Rival
Destruction Challenger Foe Rival N/A

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If you find any mistakes, or you find it plays better in some way, please feel free to get in touch with us and we’ll make it happen!

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