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by: Thomas Bouric & Confused Mechanicus
"They say those who live by the sword, die by the sword. In my experience, those who refuse to embrace such a life also die by the sword, but do so faster." - Brasslord Desraki Rickad

The military arm of the Desraki Dominion is made up first and foremost of Redcloaks. These are the professional soldiery of the Dominion; ferocious warriors dedicated to Brasslord and Khorne. Foot troops armed with hand weapons and shields, great weapons and pikes form great blocks to meet the enemy head on, supported by heavy shock cavalry, handgunners and artillery. The industries of the dominion equip them with equipment much greater in quality than what mere warbands can have access to, while the blessings of Khorne grant the elite of their number greater power beyond mere steel. Led by capable officers, the Redcloaks constitute an effective and disciplined fighting force, one that has spread the Brasslords’ red earth far and wide across the Windless Plains and beyond.

The tradition that gives them their name was founded by Desraki Khrodes. When a warrior joins their number, they are given a white cloak and ordered to dye it with blood by single combat. Most choose to slaughter a slave in Khorne’s name, as the most expedient option.  Some will challenge other Redcloaks or even the nobility; though this can be done to prove themselves even further, this is also used as an easy method to settle grudges, as this challenge cannot be refused. Others wait for the chance to spill an enemy’s blood on the battlefield, which can invite respect or ridicule depending on how long their cloak remains white. Those who cut their own veins to redden their cloak command immediate respect and are seen as ready to give everything for the Dominion, though some do not survive their bloodletting to make good on that impression.

A very few will call upon a daemon to battle, such as a Bloodletter, a Flesh Lion of Khorne or even one of the Gorewrought; fewer survive this trial. Those that do succeed in dyeing their cloaks with the blood of a daemon are viewed with fearful reverence, preferably from a distance; only the brave, the faithful or the mad would dare such a feat. There are whispers that the daemon’s blood confers onto them a resistance to magic, attract Khorne’s eyes, or simply gives them good luck. Whatever the truth of the matter, these Redcloaks usually go on to forge bloody reputations, if not particularly lengthy lives.

From: Aqshy, the Windless Plains
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