The Ravenids, an expanse of sprawling islands, whispers a chilling tale to the common folk — a dark realm harboring monstrous secrets. To strategists of war, it is a coveted strategic gem, a puzzle that has eluded prolonged control. Yet, amongst the intrepid few who’ve returned from its enigmatic depths, some claim that holding the lands may well be possible.
The first step in holding the Ravenids for any length of time will be to secure a safe route into its interior, or to find a smaller, livable, island – particularly one that takes into consideration the crazed vampires. Any force that seeks to create this new route will need to find the safest way through the wilds of the main island, or find a suitable smaller island free of vampires or other creatures.
During the CNX Hellscorn Event, your warband can choose to pursue this Quest across the three games throughout the day.
The Ravenids have been plunged deep into war, as many warbands seek a forgotten tomb, while attempting to gain a foothold on these islands. While many fought well, it seems that the Desraki Dominion may well have a slightly stronger hold on these islands, with followers of Hashut burning huge swathes of the land to ash!