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Settle in the Plains of the Hungering Steppe

Your travels complete, you see the Steppe laid out before you. Across the horizon, you see other warlords begin to build their strongholds. Some have come in search of the Amber Stampede, others have come by the invitation of local warlords, and some just see the land as a font of opportunity.

But this story is yours to tell. Why have you come? Where have you settled? Who are those that fight alongside you? What is the Stronghold you will build? These are the questions the Steppe demands of you. These are the tools you will use to carve your legends into the lands of Ghur.

Game Master Notes

These notes exist to help you run through the Quest. They are put here by the creator and should give you some direction as to what they had in mind when they created the Quest

- Path to Story -

You have chosen to build your stronghold in the Plains of the Hungering Steppe. The flat plains and basalt pillars have called out to you in some way. Despite the dangers of the maw-like sinkholes that devour the unwary, you see the benefit the plains can bring. As you begin to establish your settlement, you receive visitors representing the local warlords.
– A member of the Denkeeper tribe of the Ghurneth of Packhome invites you to attend a great hunt led by Huntmaster Sylai. They hope that you will come to understand the ecosystem of the Hungering Steppe and that you will work to preserve it.
– Out from the shadows a member of the Cult of the Unseen appears to deliver a note. In it, Menthizar Kraeth invites you to a ritual hosted in the Tower of Shadows. They wish to show you the benefits of their creed and teach you to harness the shadows.
– The howls of banshees herald the arrival of a Gheistweaver of the Fortress Librarium offers you a pass into their vast repository of knowledge.


Sometimes a Quest creator will tell you what you get for completing the Quest, depending of the outcome of course. If there is nothing, you can obviously create your own rewards, ahhh… imagine the possibilities…

At the edge of your territory you see a Mouth of the Steppe sporadically opening and closing as if it were chewing on something. Against your best instincts, you peer over the lip of the sinkhole. Within, you see jagged teeth made out of Amber Bones. This realmstone would be a great benefit for your rise to power, as long as you are able to brave the depths of the Hungering Steppe.
You immediately add the Realmstone Reserve territory to your Stronghold without spending Glory.

– For completing this quest, word of your legend grows across the Hungering Steppe. You receive 6 Glory and your warlord gains 1d6 Renown.
– If you participated in a game of Age of Sigmar and used the territory rules for one of the areas of the Steppe, you receive 3 additional Glory.

Have you played through this Quest or Rumour?

If you’ve played through or resolved this in any way, be sure to tell us right here on the Quest page, we’d love to know what happened!

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3 years ago

I’m not sure if I’m submitting this properly, as this is my first time using The Great Weave… so apologies if it’s wrong.


I’ve played a single-player PtG game (on TTS) for this Quest. My army is Disciples of Tzeentch ( https://thegreatweave.com/the-coven-of-mightfulness/ ) and the other army I used was Ogor Mawtribes… but flavoured as being only beasts with no actual ogors around. I did that to represent going on a hunt, as was mentioned in the part of the Quest description relating to the Ghurneth.

My army decided it would definitely impress the locals if they hunted down a really big beast, like a Stonehorn. It turns out that Stonehorns are pretty strong, though, so that didn’t go as smoothly as they’d have liked. A lot of people got trampled, and my general got a little bit eaten by some Frost Sabres… but in the Aftermath I got quite lucky with casualty rolls, so it could’ve been much worse.

For more details, here’s a Google Doc ( https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iqOq-jV3LmjUJZ9kmCbCAj7XEhIcNpCHNrtmWi4Kcv8/edit?usp=sharing ). However, I should mention that I don’t actually know how to write battle reports, so this may also be wrong. There’s some technical details at the start and end, but for the actual game I’ve described the events in a more narrative-y way, rather just listing a bunch of mechanical information like the number of wounds inflicted and so on.

Last edited 3 years ago by Reiteration6
3 years ago

The blue crow arrives at the plains of the hungering steppe and quickly set up a arcane waypoint as a base of operations called the roost. hana nightwing sends out to Scouts gathered information about the area and the relic whereabouts they run into a cult of unseen member with a invite to join them the scouts accept it and return back to base hana and her sister discuss the next moves.

3 years ago

The tale in full: https://thegreatweave.com/no-safe-harbour/

The crew of the Hidden Reserve make landfall in an old ruin that provides safety from (but also close proximity to the sweet amberbone within) the Mouths of the Steppe. The duardin run afoul an orruk ambush waiting for unwary travelers seeking safety there. Upon driving away their foes and anchoring both the frigate and the krontanker stronghold to the massive pillars of this once great structure, a Ghurneth delegation extends an invitation to a Great Hunt (details of which shall be resolved in a challenge game of Warcry).

There’s no question, though. The profiteering ways of the Hidden Reserve, the food acquisition ship of the Sons of Bugman AEC already expertly calibrated to hunt, gather, and store as much meat and leather as possible, will offend the Ghurneth.

3 years ago

Game: Warcry Warbands: CoS and Skaven Winner: CoS
Telidan managed to stop Skaven infiltrating Fortress Librarium. As a prize, Archivist Supreme allowed him to stay at Fortress Librarium and to gather resources from nearby Mouth of the Steppe.
+6 Glory
+2 Renown
+Realmstone Reserve

Veritas Templar
3 years ago

I did a solo game and submitted a short story about it: https://thegreatweave.com/a-magmahold-in-the-steppe/

There is a link at the first mention of my warlord’s name and at the first mention of my stronghold’s. Not sure that’s how it works, but there it is. (Sorry for the wall of text there).

3 years ago

I know it’s too late but I still wanted to submit a little tidbit. My game was 1000p PtG Soulblight vs. Stormcast.

Anastasia frowned as she watched the gold-clad warriors of Sigmar begin to set up camp in the ancient ruins the Crimson Keep manifested itself a mere few hours ago. Unfortunate, but they were going to make the most out this miserable situation.
„Ladies, Gentlemen,“ she adressed her Blood Knights then turned her gaze on the Vengorian and added with no little contempt in her voice „and…others.“ Valak’s face contorted in a mask of anger and indignation but to his credit he kept his eyes focused on the movement of the Stormcast in the distance, the twitching tips of his batlike wings a clear sign of his mounting appetite for carnage.
Anastasia smiled to herself in anticipation, „Who’s in for some canned food?“

3 years ago

I’am late to the party too, but I’d really like to contribute a (very small) tidbit to the story and try to catch up to the current quest eventually. I played a 1000 Points game of Beasts vs. Orruk Warclans to settle on the Plains of the Hungering Steppe:

Horgathan was delighted. His Brayherd did indeed manage to travel between Realms and on an even bigger note, managed to “convince” (nobody would miss those pesky Ungors anyway) a very impressive looking Warherd lead by the Doombull Guil “Delle” Torro to join them on their road to claim the Eightpoints as their own. Horgathan was never one to think small. A welcome change of pace in camparison to what befell his once great host of shadowtouched goatmen…no, Ulgu as a Realm to start his descecration of the remaining Realms was out of the picture.
Maybe he should just focus to gain a hoof in here, in Gur, first…Well it wasn’t his first choice to be honest, too bright, not civilised enough to be properly desecrated, but on the other hand it was wild, raw and, after all, the Realm of Beasts, and Horgathan was the mightiest of beasts, was he not?

The first stand in with the locals saw his new allies and his trusty companion, the not-so-sane Shaggoth that called himself “The Tyrannt”, massacre a ferocuíous mob of greenskins that thought “The Tyrannt” and the enormous Ghorgon would make for some very fine trophies. Turned out the Bonesplitterz made a fine meal for them instead. While the big guys were busy “cleaning up” the remains of the former hunters, Horgathans Brayherd started to set up their Herdstone in the shadow of one of the larger basalt pillars and darkness slowly began to creep up around it…and with that Horgathan felt his time had finally come. The Realms would soon be trembling before him.