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Creations in The Great Weave

Welcome to your first step in creating something awesome. Joining the world that is The Great Weave is a brilliant way to get involved in narrative play within the Mortal Realms. If you’re looking to create something for the site, we have a number of specific tools for you to do this, which you can see below, but you’ll need to signup for anything that gets put on the site.

Additionally, you can check out the “Addtional Tools” section which you’re welcome to use without signing up.

If you need to get intouch, feel free to use the Request form below that.


Heroes lie at the heart of the stories woven into The Weave. This is by far the easiest way to start your journey in the Weave.


Quests are the best way for you to design your next game within the Mortal Realms, while contributing and changing the Weave at the same time


The Weave is woven by stories. Stories of adventure, glory, intrigue, hope, war, and love. Everyone is able to submit their stories, whether it be about a Hero or an entire army


The world of the Weave is chock-full of People, Locations, Enemies, and Creatures. Because they all exist within the same narrative framework, no matter if you’re playing Soulbound, Age of Sigmar, or Warcry, you can interact with all of them. Find an awesome location, and get stuck in. Be sure to comment on the relevant page, so that we see you’ve been there, and what happened!

Denizens of the Realms

The world of the Weave is full of People. These characters lead their own lives, move about, and get involved with the adventures. As your heroes meet more and more people within the world, they can be added right here so they can be remembered and interacted with by other players.

Creatures and Monsters

Got an awesome villain that wants to take on your heroes? Or a huge monster terrorising a part of the Mortal Realms? If so, The Weave is the perfect home for them!

Path to Glory Hosts

Path to Glory Hosts are a unique way of creating an army, or Host, to play narrative games within Age of Sigmar. If you’ve never tried it before, be sure to check it out, it’s a lot of fun!

Other Requests


If you have a request for something else, maybe adding a new Category or Sub-Category, Artefacts, custom rules, or something we’ve never thought of, you can do so by filling out the form below!

9 + 6 =

Additional Tools

As we’ve endevoured to create tools for our players and creators, we’ve found ourselves designing a number of tools that are helpful to have, though do not auto-submit to the actual site. Check them out as well!


The Soul Loom

The Soul Loom is the combination of the latest Anvil of Apotheosis with adjusted supplements from WD and narrative events.

Soulbound Character Sheet

This Google SHeet system allows you to create a Soulbound Character using all of the current rules, with automated values, and plenty of room for your own creativity.

Gazette and News Creator

This is a simple little tool that allows you to create a small news cutting to use on social media or in your campaigns

Rules of the Weave

We do actually have a number of rules that make The Great Weave what it is. Some of this relates to creating a consistant world in which as many players can participate as possible. Others relate more to making this space as welcoming a place as we can. Before submitting to The Great Weave, I’d highly recommend reading these through.

These things will not be accepted into The Great Weave:

  • Storylines that directly contradict the overall AoS Narrative (like killing Nagash, or eliminating Chaos from the Realms)
  • Racist or sexist material (with some basic, obvious, exceptions to do with standard speciesism like Duardin not being fans of Aelves)
  • Explicit/capricious/extreme/sexual violence to minors (Allowed: “Enemy ‘A’ killed Hero’s child.” Not Allowed: Explaining in detail how that was done and all the horrible things that were done to that child)

Please be aware, that although you could infringe (in a number of ways) on other creations in the Weave, we ask that you contact the relevant writer/creator on Discord before doing so. It’s the right thing to do. By default, all heroes are safe from killing unless permission is given.

Additionally, note that our tools aren’t perfect, and will occasionally error out. Please copy your text before submitting to avoid any possible loss. Please.