They met the first group of refugees a day out of the city. They were a weary bunch and had sought to avoid the marching group, but the Skaven had obviously sniffed them out. Borgut had only stopped them killing the group because it was clear they wouldn’t put up a proper scrap anyway. Between the small clutch of humans was a single rusted sword and a short bow, the arrows lost in the tumble with the rats. They had clothes on their backs, and that seemed to be all. After awkwardly thanking Borgut for his strange mercy, they warned him not to continue to the city. Apparently it was under siege by a huge army of undead. The city had no chance they said, the dead had come upon them so suddenly the guard had not even known what was happening. ‘It was like a hurricane,’ one of the men said, ‘that’s what I heard at least! I did not stay to meet that fate, I took my little ones and ran! The dead rising up and killing all that stood in their way, bah, not a chance I’m staying there…’ The man got a swift kick in the nether regions by Borgut for that cowardice.
They left the refugees to whatever fate they had and continued on. The second group of refugees had a different story, ‘It was a single man…’ the woman whispered, ‘a single man of great power, he walked right through the city, and everywhere he looked we died…’
The third group was different yet again. ‘Dragons I tell ya!!’ an old wizened man proclaimed ‘huge creatures in the sky. Two of them, one with wings and another on fire! I heard that they never even fought, people just died wherever they flew over!’
At this point Borgut was well and truly excited to get in an bluddy awesome scrap! Unfortunately it didn’t really seem to be the case. They had drawn up to Versaldus Keep and found it guarded from top to bottom. Those new golden boys could be found walking the battlements, great hammers and swords swinging. They flew above the city as well, and even he could see some were using some sort of magic on the huge broken gate. ‘Well, if we can’t scrap with a fire-breathing dragon and an army of the dead, I guess we can settle for these blokes…’ Turning to his boyz he prepared himself, ‘ready boyz? We know what we’re going for remember? Let’s get in there, have a bluddy good time, and get my hat!!’
The six disappeared with a pop.