The Blood Wolves set up a ritual, set on the border between the Desraki and Valithek Scorntalon territory to summon forth their demonic allies to help them defeat the Raven God, forces in one swift blow against the capital city of scorn’s heart, ending this war quickly and with minimal losses.
to get back to the true goals of eliminate sigmar’s lightning Jötunn and saving the realms but also their are expected to attack by a Raven God warbands in great numbers to prevent the ritual being successfully the blood wolves horde stand ready on ready to claim skulls for crimson wolf and loud howls echo from them as the The Prismatic Deceivers and other powerful raven gods warbands storm towards the The Blood Wolves as arcane fireballs rain down on the front lines as blood reavers are engulfed by change fire and toppled down, dying painful deaths are kicked away by their own forces as blood warriors and skullreapers charge forward hacking down the enemy tzaangors and cultists.
The first daemons emerge, forth and join in the slaughter, as Heimir Darkbane demands they increase their slaughter and then throws himself into the melee and in return the raven gods, forces use foul sorcery demonic horrors and cultists alike begin to even out the fight against the blood wolves but they are determined not to lose so they fight with increased fury and faith that they are able to defeat most of their enemies but they still trick to play with ear splitting cry three lords of change are successful summon but the crimson wolf will not let the raven god schemes by completed.
The crimson wolf sent his great servant to aid the blood wolves, a Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage to help them defeat the lords of change. So that is what it would do. The first one had its body spilt in half by one single blow, and then the second it took give a good fight, injuring the Bloodthirster, but it was killed by a powerful axe blow which smashed into the lords of change body killing it and the final one killed the Bloodthirster with a whack of, it staff, but in return the Bloodthirster wounded the final lord of change so Heimir Darkbane jumped towards the foul daemon head with his axe swinging down onto to decipitate in a single blow that was nearly stopped by a cultists arrow but was not able to stop him from claiming that foul daemon skull and it’s body sent back to the ravens gods realm Heimir had been ascend to daemonhood and then the other survivors of the blood wolves had received blessing and some had earned them self promotion to aspiring deathbringers or to joined the slaughterpriest hood in order to further their paths to glory.