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The Blackfyre fjord

by: Kyle

The Blackfyre fjord was a large Duardin empire in Aqshy with a fearsome reputation throughout the realms. Worship the duardin god Grimnir and they honour him with oaths kept and enemies slain. They styled themselves in his image, going to battle wielding magma-forged blades. 

Through their mercenary ways, they gathered huge quantities of gold until they discovered the truth that their god Grimnir was dead and scattered into a thousand pieces by the order of the god king Sigmar. Anger at the betrayal, led them to worship a dark ancestor, god of wealth and god of the dark forge, the father of darkness, Hashut, and into the service of the ever chosen mercenaries and blacksmiths to tear down the great betrayer from his throne.

As a reward for their help, the Everchosen give the forge city of the black forge, Anathema. He is deemed a Tithe in return for weapons and a Daemonic war engines to feed his unending war. With a Sigmar his Cites will be of Fire and Desolation, because One day Hashut will rise from his slumber and trample the world beneath his brazen hoves. The dead shall outnumber the living and those that remain shall be dragged in chains to the pits of the eight points to toil for the great glory of Hashut. And all will be blessed in darkness

The Blackfyre raids happen daily in order to have slaves to work the city’s vast forges and as sacrifices at the temple of Hashut at the hands of Sorcerer-Prophets who lead the city council and order military campaign which are carried out by an Infernal Castellan who then carried out them to their best ability by hand-picking the best warriors available to them at time and needs their campaigns start with a vanguard of mortal Hashut’s legions, moving ahead of the Duardin legions they seek new territories to conquer which are then burned down alongside their denizens into flat featureless spoils upon which their ruthless masters set up infernal industries and staging grounds for even greater conquests.

But at some times, a different approach is needed and a Bull Centaur and their personal retinue are sent to do a mission by the Sorcerer-Prophets, deemed too important to carry out by their mortal Hashut’s legions. The Warband was formed by the youngest Duardin and the dishonoured may seek redemption within the Warband to get them to be an efficient fighting force. They are constantly drilled, led by brutal Castellans. As a way to earn their own set of Infernal iron armour and a place in the Sorcerer-Prophets, personal guard the Infernal blackfyre Guard, where they wield a variety of weapons and are disciplined in tactics of war. 


From: Aqshy
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