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The Bronze Sentinels

by: Bevan
The Bronze Sentinels are a Stormcast Eternals Stormhost, who’s main occupation is locating, securing and safeguarding all kinds of arcane relics. This can go from simple enchanted items, to devices that can threaten the realms or eldritch knowledge no mortal should possess.

The Bronze Sentinels consist of 3 main Chambers: 

The Eternal Guard: The Warrior chamber, led by Lord-Celestant Armand Silvermane. The Eternal Guard for the bulk of the Bronze Sentinels and fill a plethora of jobs, mostly in guarding the relics they have already secured or fighting large enemy groups to secure new ones. Some Eternal Guard protect relics tirelessly, standing guard for days with no rest.


– The Eyes Of Bronze: The Eyes form the Sacrosanct chamber of the Sentinels. The current leader is Lord-Exorcist Borea The Awakened. The Eyes focus on studying the secured relics, as well as dispelling the magical effects if possible, or at the very least keeping the magical effects contained. They also cleanse any chaos taint caused by certain artefacts. 


– The Bronze Wings: Whilst the other 2 chambers focus on defending and safeguarding already secured relics, the Wings focus on finding new relics that could potentially need to be secured. Led by the charismatic Lord-Aquilor Thandaur Wolfstorm, the Bronze Wings form the Vanguard chamber of The Bronze Sentinels. The Wings swoop down in a thunderous blaze to swiftly take away dangerous relics through stealth and subterfuge.


The Bronze Citadel

All these relics are stored beneath the Stormkeep: The Bronze Citadel. The Citadel was founded in Aqshy around a realmgate that leads back to Azyr. From here, the Sentinels formed a foothold in the Mortal Realms that they still use to this day. Like most stormkeeps, the trade that is enabled by a realmgate has caused a large, vibrant city to grow around the Citadel called Ashfyrd. In the city, merchants congregate around the Azyrgate, despite the harsh screening and restriction on any trade passing true, which has allowed the city to prosper and grow to an impressive proportion. However, few of the inhabitants know of the true purpose of the Citadel. Underneath the Citadels are the Dungeons, a large underground space, of which the walls are lined with guarded locked rooms, each containing an artefact secured by the Sentinels. At the top of the Dungeons are the least dangerous artefacts, with the most dangerous ones being kept at the very bottom. As you go down the space, the fortifications and security measures increase drastically. Despite all that, the Citadel forms a target for anyone looking to secure dangerous weapons. 


The Lord-Commanders of The Bronze Sentinels

With all these hazardous relics being kept in 1 location by 1 stormhost, it was deemed too dangerous for 1 Lord-Commander to be in charge, for even stormcast can lose the way. Hence, the duties of Lord-Commander have been split across the 3 lords of the Bronze Sentinel Chambers. They all are equal rank, and any vote regarding the use and handling of the arcane artefacts is to be unanimous. Despite having to work together constantly, the three lords don’t get along very well and are often found bickering, which greatly increases the time needed for any choices to be made. 


Armand Silvermane is a very joyous fella, who enjoys eating and drinking as much as he does fighting. He leads the Eternal Guard. In battle, Armand loses himself, giving in to the bloodlust, slaughtering his opponents mercilessly only to snap back to his joyful self right after. Armand has been reforged far more than most Bronze Sentinel, due to his complete lack of self preservation in combat. To him, nothing is greater than dying in Sigmar’s name and he will commonly sing songs in his god’s name during combat. Armand prefers to attack headfirst, with no regard for things like stealth and diplomacy. 


Borea The Awakened is very much the polar opposite to Armand. She leads the Eyes Of Bronze and rarely leaves her spire in the Citadel, where she’s endlessly studying her scrolls. When she does leave, it’s either to run tests on certain artefacts, or pray to Sigmar. Borea is zealously religious and is quite quick to call people heretics. This blind devotion is what landed her the spot as one of Lord of the Bronze Sentinels, seeing as her position is the most susceptible to corruption. Borea doesn’t concern herself much with the acquisition of new relics, preferring to leave that to her fellow Lords. 


At the head of the Bronze Wings is Thandaur Wolfstorm, an unique individual amongst stormcast, as he has only been reforged once, something he prides himself on. Thandaur is a charismatic person, who enjoys spending time amongst the people of Ashfyrd. Part of the reason is because it’s also where he runs his spyring from. Behind the friendly, boastful facade, Thandaur is a master manipulator, who can talk down even the most devout follower of chaos. Thandaur isn’t very keen on the whole Sigmar religion, seeing him more as a boss than a god. When it comes to combat, Thandaur sticks to the shadows, avoiding combat as much as possible. He secures artefacts through clever tricks, subterfuge and diplomacy, which causes him to clash with Armand quite often. Even though Thandaur is often seen as more of a scoundrel and manipulator than a hero, he is still a stormcast nonetheless, having earned that privilige through a heroic deed whilst still mortal.

From: Aqshy
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