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The Cystborn Ravagers

by: JohnnyMojo
"The Glottkin. The Brothers Glott. Just look at them. Magnificent. Three brothers, joined together into the greatest of Grandfather Nurgle's champions. So beloved. So toxic. All we aspire to be." - Mortox Bilewood - The Bilewood brothers have only known Nurgle's touch for a short time. Only a few years. They used to worship the Everqueen, but she was insufficient to the task of guarding their farm. She couldn't keep it from being turned into a Filth Pit. She couldn't keep a Gnarlmaw from taking root. And she couldn't keep the six Bilewood brothers from being fed to it. In its gut, five of the six brothers saw the light (we don't talk about Kenzi anymore) - or maybe not the 'light', maybe the slime? - either way...five of the six brothers crawled out of the Filth Pit better and stronger once they accepted the Grandfather as the true Lord of Life. - Two of the brothers lasted less than a year, struck down by those terrible Hallowed Knights that, for some reason, keep trying to prevent the Grandfather from finding and marrying the Everqueen. Ridiculous really. Why would they want to keep them apart? Can't they see how great they would be together? I know, they would be amazing. Seriously, the Hallowed Knights have a lot to answer for. Oh, and they killed Agar and Karnak. We mentioned that already, didn't we? Either way, those Hallowed Knights are a scourge and not the good kind. - Anyways...The Bilewood Brothers (the three that are left) have a plan. They will spread the word of the Grandfather and draw his attention and then they will get to ascend to the greatness of the Glottkin. They will be so great that everyone else will be like "Glottkin? Who's that? We only know The Bilewood Brothers".
Faction: Maggotkin of Nurgle
Subfaction: Blessed Sons
From: Ghur
Glory Points: 18
Current Quest:
Quest Notes:


Quests Completed: 2
Battles Fought: 3
Victories: 3
Enemy Heroes Slain: 4

The Vault

Bonus Artefacts of Power


Bonus Unique Enhancements


Bonus Spells


Bonus Prayers


Endless Spells and Invocations

Umbral Spellportal




Mortox Bilewood
(Lord of Blights)
Injury: Uninjured
Renown Points: 19
Points: 150
Command Trait: Overpowering Stench
Warlord Core Enhancements and other Notes:

The Splithorn Helm



Pusfen Keep

Stronghold Territories

Old Keep

Arcane Waypoint

Imposing Stronghold Territories

None yet

Mighty Stronghold Territories

None yet

Order of Battle


Ebolychus Bilewood - Rotbringer Sorcerer - Muttergrub - 4 Renown

Glut Bilewood - Lord of Plagues - 4 Renown

Other Units:

Sons of the Leech

Warscroll: Putrid Blightkings

Veteran Abilities: Revolting Resilience

Casualties: -

Renown Points: 8

Pitched Battle Points: 250

The Headsmen of Rot

Warscroll: Putrid Blightkings

Veteran Abilities: -

Casualties: -

Renown Points: 4

Pitched Battle Points: 250

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