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The Eastern Indigo Theatre

As Ephilim rose in power and destroyed many of the rival Tzeentchian Factions, such as the Indigo Permanent Assurance, this has left a power vacuum for other powers can exploit. However one should always be careful around a nest of Tzeentchians (Can't be done if doing the Desraki Theatre) 

Game Master Notes

These notes exist to help you run through the Quest. They are put here by the creator and should give you some direction as to what they had in mind when they created the Quest

- Grubbo -

Rally The Blue Lions
(Only For Tzeentch or Tzeentch Based Allies)
(Diplomacy Only) 
Many Blue Lions have abandoned the cause after the “disappearance” of their leader Arkoak Cressir. Though they can be a potent weapon if reunited. Appeal to the Martial Honor of the Blue Lions, bring them over to the worship of Holy Tzeentch

Besiege Major Cities 
(Combat Only)
Strison and Iderton remain as the last Bastions of the Indigo Assurance. They are defended by powerful Magi who can summon scores of Demons in moments. It will not be easy to siege these Cities  

Reestablish The Merchant Network
(Diplomacy Only)
Many Powerful Tzeentch worshipping Merchants have been left alienated. However they can be won over, if someone has the right amount of coin or guile. They would be powerful allies 

Battle For The Hills
(Combat Only)
Eastern Indigo lands are full of rocky hills. This lends itself to guerrilla warfare, perfect for cunning Tzeentch Demons who will have no trouble ducking in and out laying waste to even larger armies 


Sometimes a Quest creator will tell you what you get for completing the Quest, depending of the outcome of course. If there is nothing, you can obviously create your own rewards, ahhh… imagine the possibilities…

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