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The Feculent Alchemists Society

by: Kyle
Nurgle warband devotion to science and researching the best way to spread his plagues and nurgles love to all of the relms

They started out as the order of the Thistle devotion to researching and making cures for any illness or plague free of charge for anyone who needs it but they forced to serve in free guild field hospital when a nurgle warband attacked their free city of Grilai laying siege to the city for months disease run amuck from plague infected corpse that the nurgle warband used to break the city and injured city defenders due to lack of proper medical care and supplies running low after months of a on going siege the members of the Thistle started to seeking more alternative sources and methods of healing the injured starting with using the blood of the infected corpse to use to as a supply to keep the defenders healthy and able to drive back the nurgle force but the had unwilling started a pandemic which slowly began to corrupt the cities population into rotbringers or the just died on the spot drowning in their own blood and nurgle demons spawned from their corpse and 

the order of the Thistle continue their efforts to heal the sick.

 After the leader Aldred Jaegner was injured by a patient he was trying to heal he began to demonstrate symptom similar to the infected that had injured him he tried everything to heal himself drink foul ichor and potions which had no effort in the end he decided to give in and just accept death and prayed to the great healer that surviving pox walkers spoke about and the great healer answered taking his pain and despair now he was still able to help the sick and injured like him accept the love of the great healer after he changed his name to Glök Blistermaw and the name of the order of the Thistle to The Feculent Alchemists to help heal the realms citizens.

From: Ghyrain
The Feculent Alchemists Society

Warband Leader:

Glök Blistermaw
Renown Level:


Glory Points:
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Current Quest: Spread Corruption
Quest Notes:
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