Khuzhari Scarfur earned a new position in the blood Wolves first pack together with the survivors of her old pack and her new members left the blood Wolves den to hunt of raven god marked beastmen leader a Ogroid Thaumaturge and It’s tzaangor followers to proof their worth to crimson Wolf and themselves after a long days march they arrived at the raven gods forces camp ready to strike but for now they wait silently watching for the perfect opportunity to launch the assault it’s was midnight before the first attack was launched a lighting strike to overwhelm the first bunch of beastmen defenders and push through and then slay the Ogroid in a single blow,This when the next wave of blood Wolves would attack at a different point to cause as much chaos and distracted from the main part as the make brutal work of anything in their way but they are losses equal to that of the beastmen grinding the blood Wolves to to less than handful of warrior hope of victory slowed decrease by the moment before they where saved by thier second wave crash into the rear of the beastmen butcher them quick and then regroup to finish the hunt as a pack together to bring down their prey and escape together Khuzhari Scarfur was first to strike the Ogroid scoring a deep scar against it’s chest then serval blood Wolves attack but where to slow and annihilated in single spell but the served as perfect opportunity from the experience warrior current leader of the first pack Kaletch Houndstooth to slay it with a single axe blow to back of its head and down though it body bifurcating it leaving a bloody mess as the remaining beastmen run or where slaughtered.
The first Hunt for the new pack together as one
by Kyleja97 | Oct 18, 2023 | Desraki Empire Stories, The Great Weave | 0 comments
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