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The Lavafall Restricted Area

The Lavafall District in Hammerhal Aqsha had been thoroughly devastated, after the gargantuan Charonhydra escaped the alleged Grand Stormvault beneath the city. Wild spells and ancient monsters, trapped since the Age of Myth, were released into the city, and the Council of Hammerhal sealed off the district, leading to riots inside for months.

The threat within and below grew so big that the Hammers of Sigmar themselves descended on the vault at last, and seemingly neutralized most of the threat... or did they?

Things have calmed down since, but large parts of the district are still quarantined, to prevent entry to the bowels of the vault and for fear of Chaos corruption... and rightly so.

Game Master Notes

These notes exist to help you run through the Quest. They are put here by the creator and should give you some direction as to what they had in mind when they created the Quest

This storyline is part of the "Gangs of Hammerhal" narrative Age of Sigmar events ran at Alpha Omega Hobby in the Boston (MA,USA) area.

Players and GMs engaging with this quest are free to have adventures and plots within the quarantine and the catacombs of the breached Stormvault of the Cloister of Ashes (which still houses MANY other treasures and prisoners). 

You must conform to the following guidelines:

  • Do not destroy Lavafall extensively;
  • Do not eliminate the Coiled One exalted greater daemon, Ourung Gharad;
  • Do not eliminate all of the cultists and mercenary allies of the Coiled One;
  • Do not destroy the remainder of the Cloister of Ashes, the Grand Stormvault beneath Hammerhal Aqsha;

Your contributions through the Weave, to this quest, will be introduced to our next Gangs of Hammerhal event, as our players will have to deal with the conflict between the city resistance and the Coiled One daemon machinations from deep within the vault.

- Nuno Martins @WH_Narratives -

The Charonhydra itself is gone now, and the riots have calmed down as the trapped citizens have organized behind the city’s Watch forces. Most of the wild spells and monsters have been hunted down and/or captured, and the sinkholes to the alleged stormvault below sealed off. But the real extent of the threat was not obvious to most of the district survivors.

Whatever was happening beneath the streets while the riots raged got to such a drastic point that earthquakes were affecting the rest of Hammerhal Aqsha and magical freak storms developed. Soulbound agents sent to investigate the quarantine area uncovered all sorts of clandestine chaos agents, and evidence of something very sinister hiding in the vaults. The Lord-Commander Bastian Carthalos himself, after many portents of doom and the obvious unnatural disasters, finally led the Hammers of Sigmar down into the vaults to deal directly with the source of the threat. Gone they were, for many weeks, until the quakes subsided and the Lord-Commander returned with but a handful of survivors, and ordered all the entrances to the underground sealed shut.

The district is now secure, and reconstruction is underway. Heavy patrols watch the streets of Lavafall now and most entrances to the Stormvault below have been sealed off by mandate of the Lord-Castellant. But the shifting crust of Aqshy never stops, and finding an entrance to the Stormvault again outside the city is just a matter of time…

What went down below…

Stories from those who fought in the riots spoke of a serpentine greater daemon, a Coiled One of the Splintered Fang cults, behind the gangs of cultists and mercenaries that fed the riots: both servants of the dark gods as well as creatures of Nagash and unscrupulous warbands with a penchant for violence. Soulbound agents of the city dismantled a number of cult servants trying to spread outside the district, using the sewers and catacombs… and evidence of corruption reaching into the Council of Hammerhal, perhaps explaining the dramatic delays in providing aid to Lavafall for so long.
What exactly the Stormcast Eternals dealt with underneath the city is a mystery, but word on the streets of Lavafall says that the Coiled One still lives… (you can find its warscroll below).

As if this wasn’t bad enough, a strange miasma of poison and disease has started spreading through the magma of the Adramar Rift, to other parts of the city. The destitute, living in the ashen rift-dwellings and braving the magma rivers and cliff-mines, are the primary sufferers of this pollution. While the tremors and the freak storms have ceased since the march of the Hammers of Sigmar, this particular supernatural manifestation remains and shows no signs of going away.


Sometimes a Quest creator will tell you what you get for completing the Quest, depending of the outcome of course. If there is nothing, you can obviously create your own rewards, ahhh… imagine the possibilities…

  • The Lavafall district is one of the few places where huge sinkholes to the Cloister of Ashes exist in Hammerhal. Though most have been thoroughly sealed off, there is always the odd false wall in a basement or a sudden landslides. Learning their way through the district and gaining confidence with the Watch there can potentially gain players access to the Vault;
  • The majority of the armies and magical resources the Coiled One had gathered underneath the city have been roundly decimated by the Hammers of Sigmar, but the Greater Daemon escaped with some of its most loyal followers... finding the location of their lair and what they are plotting is of vital importance.
  • There are several splinter-groups of cultists in the wider city of Hammerhal, connected to the Coiled One, though their political reach has been shattered. Rooting out these cults would earn players recognition and political influence.

Have you played through this Quest or Rumour?

If you’ve played through or resolved this in any way, be sure to tell us right here on the Quest page, we’d love to know what happened!

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3 years ago

I’ll be running a Soulbound group through this Quest soon! More info on who, and to what end is incoming. I’ll also post story outlines here 😀