Hidden beneath the Ravenids lies an ornately carved cavern, a sanctuary for bestial soulblight vampires of the Avengorii Dynasty. The grotto is home to a coven of Vengorians desperately struggling to control their raging minds, lest they descend into a blood-soaked lunatic savagery from which there will be no recovery. These chambers have recently become redolent with Shyishan energies; such a location would make a fine base of operations.
Before this can be done, though, an entombed Avengorii princess will need to be dealt with. Ultimately, your warband will need to decide whether to release this princess (knowing that the local Avengorii will rally to this new leader and embark on another hunt across Northern Thonida), to leave it entombed below your new encampment, or to kill it for good.
Regardless, finding this cavern is your first goal…
During the CNX Hellscorn Event, yor warband can choose to pursue this Quest across the three games throughout the day.
Zarzak’s Gnobs (a group of Kruleboyz) were able to successfully find the tomb of the forgotten Princess. In an attempt to subject the islands to more destruction and havoc, Zarzak promptly released the prisoner into the wild. Now, Anastasia Delacour has begun to gather a force of Vengorians and seeks to escape the Ravenids for good – instead eying up the lands around The Drench