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The Lost Avengorii Princess

Rumours of an Avengorii princess that's been entombed on the island has reached the warlords and adventurers fighting around the Drench. Now, warbands descend on the islands in search of this trapped lady of death - in order to release her onto the field of battle, or to kill her for good, only time will tell.

Game Master Notes

These notes exist to help you run through the Quest. They are put here by the creator and should give you some direction as to what they had in mind when they created the Quest

This Quest is exclusively for those participating in the CNX Hellscorn War event. It is fought within The Ravenids – using the additional rules provided. Players use the Twist in the location instead of drawing a card. 

Be sure to remember, you can work towards this Quest, or attempt to thwart the efforts of others. As such, this Quest would be appropriate for those who are actively seeking to stop a faction from finding or releasing the princess. You are welcome to work with Keegan to see if this is a good option for you, if you’re unsure of how this is done. 

- The Weaver -

Hidden beneath the Ravenids lies an ornately carved cavern, a sanctuary for bestial soulblight vampires of the Avengorii Dynasty. The grotto is home to a coven of Vengorians desperately struggling to control their raging minds, lest they descend into a blood-soaked lunatic savagery from which there will be no recovery. These chambers have recently become redolent with Shyishan energies; such a location would make a fine base of operations.

Before this can be done, though, an entombed Avengorii princess will need to be dealt with. Ultimately, your warband will need to decide whether to release this princess (knowing that the local Avengorii will rally to this new leader and embark on another hunt across Northern Thonida), to leave it entombed below your new encampment, or to kill it for good.

Regardless, finding this cavern is your first goal…

During the CNX Hellscorn Event, yor warband can choose to pursue this Quest across the three games throughout the day.

Warcry Instructions

While embarked upon this quest, you must keep track of a search score. In step 4 of each campaign battle’s aftermath sequence, add D6 to your search score if you won that battle. You can also pick up to 3 fighters from your warband and send them forth to search for the entombed princess. To do so, roll 1D6 for each fighter you picked. Then, add the rolls to your search score. In addition, on a 1, the fighter being called for is attacked by a massive Soulblight creature that was lying in wait. Make an injury roll for that fighter.

Players in the CNX Hellscorn War event, after the second game of the day, may gift points from their own search score to other players – as their warbands work together to find the hidden tomb. Players who gift points must gift all of their points. Players who do so roll (the top treasure is 1, the second 2 etc.) on the “Treasures of the Grave” table located on page 128 of the Core Rule Book – as those given the information of the tomb provide a reward.

While your search score totals 10 or more, you can fight battles using the “Haunted Ground’ quest battleplan found on page 130 of the Core Rule Book. If you do so and you win the battle, in step 4 of the aftermath sequence, you can complete this quest. If you do so, in step 5, you can relocate your warband’s encampment to an “Unearthed Tomb”  (found on page 131) and do not need to spend any glory to do so.


Sometimes a Quest creator will tell you what you get for completing the Quest, depending of the outcome of course. If there is nothing, you can obviously create your own rewards, ahhh… imagine the possibilities…

The player who wins the “Haunted Ground’ quest battleplan will need to decide what happens to the entombed princess. Will they be released to wreak havoc in the larger Hellscorn war, will she be destroyed, or willshe be left entombed below the sanctuary? 

Have you played through this Quest or Rumour?

If you’ve played through or resolved this in any way, be sure to tell us right here on the Quest page, we’d love to know what happened!

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