The Thorn Crown Hunt
Despite its distance, Doranni saw the potential of the Isles bounty, and the malicious eyes that were surely turning towards it. Calling up The Old Hunter, Marshal Heinrich, she ordered him to muster a hunt, and depart for the distant shores of the isle. Her orders were clear, by sword and flame they were to put an end to the isle, before it could become a threat, and slaughter any who would stand against them.
Marshal Heinrich, Leader of the Hunt
The reliable old hunter was entrusted by Doranni with leading the hunt to the distant shores of the isles. Though he is uncomfortable so far from the plains of Lunascencion, and his home of Ghur, he undertakes his duty with the same grim stoicism as always. The magic, history, and artifacts of the Isle are beyond him, a simple soldier at heart. He has been dispatched upon his hunt, and he will see his prey put down, that is all there is to it.
Zalitheus, the Purging Flame
The sinner of flame has been offered a rare reprieve from her imprisonment in the depths of Yuewall’s dungeons. The request, approved only through Doranni’s direct intervention. Dangerous as always, a large contingent of guards has been dispatched to watch over her, though many fear for her being so far from the city’s reach. Still, her flame is needed to guide and warm the hunt on its long journey. For her part, Zalitheus has cooperated fully, eagerly awaiting the chance to unleash her incendiary rage upon the isle.
Sellebeth, Seeker of the Arcane
Acting of her own volition, Sellebeth elected to join the hunt, offering her considerable arcane might in exchange for safe passage. While Doranii is content to see the isle and all within it burn to stop a great threat, Sellebeth is not so eager to forfeit the knowledge and artifacts that nestle within. She will save what she can from the flames, as for the rest, she cares little if it burns if it means all that remains for others is ashes.
Forces of the Hunt
Like all of Yuewal’s hunts, the forces departing from the isle drew heavily from the citizen militia of Yuewall. The ragtag band of fighters looks disorganized and disheveled beside their steelhelm compatriots of others cities, but it would be foolish indeed to underestimate them. Many have endured more than one hunt against the savage things that assail Yuewall, whether it be fighting through the cramped city streets, or giving battle on Lunascenions open plains. More than most, the bestial energy of Ghur flows hot within their veins, the savagery barely kept below the surface. Beside the militia ride the knights of the cities, from the noble order of Talhurst, to the gritty Grey Steel Cavaliers, ready to match their blades against their quarry.
Along with the main contingent come stranger allies. Flocks of ravens ever circle above the hunt, roosting with their camp and falling upon their enemies in a fury of beak and claw. While some of the hunt have some affinity with the creatures, feeding them from the scraps of the campfire, none could say whose will they answer to. Stranger still are the Daughters of Flame, devoted followers of The Transgressor that have emerged at news of her presence in the hunt. While they have been allowed no contact with their mistress they remain. The hooded figures with their strange fire magic unnerve many of the hunt, but Heinrich knows he may well need all the aid he can get in the battle to come.
To cleanse the Slidecrown Isle with sword and flame, and keep safe their distant home