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The Trineian Army

by: Tio Morte
Noble Ghouls that due to the healing properties for both mind and body of the oasis they live in, managed to remain with most of their sanity intact

The desert kingdom of Trineia was once a major order kingdom on the desert of bones, before it was destroyed by the death of the cattle and the efforts of the Nighthaunt. Due to the starvation and the necromantic winds, the people of Trineia returned as ghouls together with their prince, Voradresh the Virtuoso. Unlike most ghoul, the trineians managed to have most of their sanity intact due to the healing properties of the crown jewl of their empire: the river stella. A river that never dried. 

The trineians remained isolated for a lot of time, getting more and more desperate as time passed, until hope appeared before their prince in the form of a trader named Bruno. He quickly befriended the mad prince and showed him the stronghold of a powerful binding of champions. Voradresh decided that to make people sympathize more with the strugles of the Trineian people and maybe to bring in new allies, he would become a soulbound and help this powerful allies to fight the forces of chaos, destruction and death. In his abcense, Darius, his best friend and advisor, leads the trineains back at the kingdom.

In recent times tho, a war sparked between the khornites and the tzeentchian followers, a war that attracted the atention of the stronghold’s binding, including Voradresh. The scale of this war and the great amount of suffering it was causing demande more help than just the binding and so Voradresh called the Trineian army to assist them in their efforts. Now Voradresh helps the binding while Darius leads the Trineain army into war agaisn’t the forces of chaos and tries to save as many people as possible.

From: Ghur, The Desert Of Bones
Trineian Royalty

Warband Leader:

Darius The Forever Sworm
Renown Level:1


Immortal: No matter how many times this deathly champion is apparently destroyed, they always seem to return more powerful than ever.
Do not make injury rolls for this fighter.


Darius has been by Voradresh's side since the two were children. When Voradresh started his military campaigns and was gifted the title of Swornworthy, Darius made an oath of eternal loyalty to the prince, becoming his Forever Sworm. There is no one Voradresh trusts more than Darius and even after death, his loyalty is unbreakeable. He is now the second in command of the trineian empire, with only Voradresh's power being considered bigger than his. When his friend told about the way, Darius didn't hesitate in calling the best of the Trineian Royalty and marching to the Hellscorn war, with his khopesh in his hands and the book of strategy by his side.


Glory Points: 0
Reputation: 2
Encampment Details:

An improvised and rather temporary construction of bone and wood called by the army as "The Hut"


Current Quest: Search For The Artefact
Quest Notes:

Grand Master Of The Guard Rhamtep

Rhamtep is the oldest of the undead Trineian Ghouls that still remain to this day. He was the grand master of the Pharaohs personal guard. Although he didn’t appreciate the young Voradresh due to viewing him as too full of himself, after death he started to appreciate the Prince more, seeing his more responsible side. Rhamtep is one of the Trineians who suffered the most from the transformation into undeath, becoming incapable of coherent speech and suffering from extreme paranoia, believing in imaginary enemies and spys that never existed.


Omari The Sharp

Omari was a veteran of the Trineian war agaisn’t the Gloomspite Gitz, the transformation into a ghoul made him lose most of his abilities turning into a deranged monster who swings a boneclub around without any thought put into it.

Lady Dalila The Fearless

Lady Dalila is a part of the royal guard led by Rhamtep, she saved the life of the Prince various times by shoving her body in the way of attacks that were directed at him. Nowadays, Dalila self sacrifice behavior has turned into suicidal thoughts as she shoves herself into her enemies, not caring or minding the loss of her unlife.

Beast-Master Akila The Gorgeous

Akila was once the mightiest hunter along the Trineian court, taming the mightiests beasts for the court and bringing the most impressive of trophies to decorate the halls of the Pharaoh. She was appreciated both for her skills and her beauty, with lots of man and woman proposing to marry her everyday, with only Darius being able to conquer her heart and have her hand in marriage. When Trineia was attacked by the Nighthaunt, Akila did her best alongside her beasts to defend the Pharaoh and the dinasty to no sucess.

Now, risen once again, in her delusion, she imagines herself mounted upon a mighty flying beast, fighting for the Prince alongside her beloved. 

Khatep The Oathtaker

Khatep was a elite soldier, responsible for training most of the Trineian recruits, nowadays he still thinks he is constantly talking to himself and halucinating with his old recruits while in actuality, he is trying to tutor nothing but illusions.

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