Nestled deep in the heart of Ghyran, sheltered between the massive Mount Koula and the North and South ranges of the Painted Spires, lies the Vale of Efengie. Because of its mountainous borders and the territorial nature of a colossal red dragon that once made its home there, it was spared the ravages of the Age of Chaos. However, the people of the Vale were dragged into Sigmar’s war when the Gates of Eucebium, an ancient ring of extinct Realmgates, suddenly awakened. The Gates of Eucebium connect to other Realmgates throughout the Mortal Realms, but do so in an unpredictable fashion, preventing the establishment of cross-realm cities or reliable trading relations.
Notable Landmarks:
- Dark Forest – This overgrown wood is home to many small communities, but their villages must be fortified to protect them from the monsters and daemons and braying spawns that stalk the shadows
- Fort S’nak – The abandoned Sky Titan fortress that sits at the foot of Mount Koula is much fought over, and is considered the true seat of power in Efengie as it controls the easiest land passage to the outside world. It is home to the city of Regit’Zharr, and is a place of brutal and despotic rule.
- Free City of Reaper – Ruled by the mysterious Reaper King, the Free City of Reaper is a lawless land where mercenaries, cultists, hooligans, and criminals are free to gather. Ogors and Orruks, while common throughout the Vale, tend to gather in Waaaghtown (one of the city’s many districts) before engaging in major military confrontation.
- Geistwald – This forest is so filled with life that even the dead walk. Some claim that it grows over a thin point where Ghyran and Shyish blur together.
- Ivory Tower – The Magi of Efengie make their home here studying ancient lore. This is a place of strict learning, and all lores of magic (good, evil, forbidden, holy) are studied in the name of knowledge.
- Mount Koula – When the ground rumbles in Efengie, it is likely because Mount Koula is spewing scalding hot nectar from its bubbling caldera. The steppes surrounding it are ripe with pools of the nectar, which is sought after as a curative.
- Port Bludor – This city controls nearly all sea trade with the Vale of Efengie. It has been besieged and laid waste to many times in its history, but its people are resilient. It is known for being a haven to Sigmar’s faithful in the Vale.
- Shelf City – Shelf City is built into the cliffsides to the North of Bludor. It is a City of Sigmar, at least in name, but many who live there simply wish to be left to their own devices.