With both Desraki and Scorntide Leadership panicking, dying or both, power vacuums and leadership gaps have opened up. Other Foreign Chaos Armies may be invited to be the inner circles. Political Power and Land are given to these Armies in exchange for military fealty
Khornate or Chaos Undivided Armies or even Chaos Friendly (Non-Tzeentch) can make deals with the Desraki to get lands and titles in exchange for fighting their enemies
Tzeentch or Chaos Undivided Armies or even Chaos Friendly (Non-Khornate) can make deals with the Scorntide to get lands and titles in exchange for fighting their enemies
Another grand battle is fought in the Gore Dunes as a vast host of Templars advances upon Desraki positions; the Templars make use of devices empowering magical energies.
Soon, they meet a grand army of Khornates under the command of General Værmundr the Obsidian-Blooded on the field of battle. At first the two forces are locked in a standstill, until, with the Divine Power granted by their Holy Devices, the Templars break through and devastate the enemy force.
Templar Victory
unfortunately a set back for the Iron Klaw re-enforcements promised by the Great Ratsputin. But like Tempest Keep this is only a setback
Iron Klaw loss
The blood Wolves decided that the desraki are too weak to win this war and then charge is in order
Units of Templar Enlightened and Skyfires surround a small force of Desraki warriors and wear them down with hit-and-run attacks, until they could be broken and annihilated by a concentrated attack with help of their Dragon Ogor allies.
Templar Victory