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Xavian Ebonheart

Vampire Lord in command of The Hunt Eternal, a coven of vampires and a host of summoned Nighthaunt, given over to the savage influence of Ghur.


Submitted by:

Paul Fischer (Chaosform11)


Do not destroy without permission

Sent by Mannfred to establish an outpost in the Ghurish heartlands, Xavian’s warband encountered the full wrath of the realm of beasts. Under constant attack by the denizens of Ghur, Xavian lost sight of his original mission and slowly succumbed to the power of the realm. Taking refuge amongst the dank swamps they preyed upon the local peoples and fauna until they discovered something hidden. Beneath the waters were ruins, remains of some long lost civilization, and with it were trapped the countless souls of its people. Starving for power, Xavian called upon these spirits, raising a fell army from the murk. Amber power surging through them, the vampire’s and their horde completely forgoing Mannfred’s orders, began a hunt for something so much greater.

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