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Zerawit Silverwing

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Zerawit Silverwing

Zerawit is currently the lone Knight-Consarcio, Emissary of the Weave, The Watcher, The Witness. Even those who know Zerawit well, do not know who truly watches from behind that sacrosanct helm.

Almost always present, riding atop the herald’s pauldrons is a Mustori by the name of Double-F

Those that have spoken to Zerawit speak of a voice that is at times soft-spoken, others, that it crackles like the thunder on a vast wind, others still, of a jovial voice, sharp in sarcasm and terrible jokes. Regardless, Zerawit seems to be a warrior of great renown, reforged uncounted times, and of an order previously unknown to the Mortal Realms.

Zerawit seems to be on an unknown quest, one that takes them to far-flung places, meeting haphazardly with all manner of friend and foe, seemingly without rhyme or reason.

Zerawit goes by many a title, foremost as Emissary of the Weave, among others, The Watcher, The Silverwing, or The Witness. Bound around the neck of the Mustori that travels with them, a key hangs. Tales and myth surround that key, some claim that it is the key to a story as-yet-untold. Others claim that they have seen the key unlock doors and portals it had no right to unlock. Regardless, Double-F seems to use it as a chew-toy when not looking awesome while riding atop Zerawit.

It is said that Zerawit knows the being that controls the Magical Mailing System of the Weave, and that the mailers know the Silverwing by a hidden name that is able to summon them over an infinite distance. Most think that this is but myth or legend though.

It is rumoured that when a Soul-Binding is completely destroyed in glory, that the winds of fate pull Zerawit to witness their fall, to be the one to tell their final tale.

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