“Confused? Good, you should be!”
A Khaine worshiping vampire from Hysh? Yeah, that’s a thing!

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“Confused? Good, you should be!”
A Khaine worshiping vampire from Hysh? Yeah, that’s a thing!
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They found the massive encampment out in the wilderness, far away from the frontlines of the Hellscorn war, or indeed, any fighting. Their movements, as their Corvus Cabalist scouts had reported, indicated their goal of leaving Thondia behind.Disillusioned, weary...
At the edge of the forest, near the great lakes, it sat. A human encampment, mercenaries apparently. Their uniforms were well-worn and soiled, and the Templar vanguard could hear them coughing and spitting as they went about their business.Obvious signs of sickness...
Day was coming to an end. Evening light of the Hysh shone weakly upon a ramshackle wooden platform in a small camp near the city of Crobus. A tall Desraki priest with an enormous axe was standing before his prisoner with a menacing grin. He then turned to the public...