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“Confused? Good, you should be!”

A Khaine worshiping vampire from Hysh? Yeah, that’s a thing!

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Floyde’s of Aqshy – The Maw

Jonathan was gripping the railing of the Le Capitaine Escargot Aéronautique, the company airship that Eleanor had arranged to be his transport for the entirety of the mission. The crew gave him a wide berth; he had been traveling with them for long enough that they...

Scouts & Boils

The Slidecrown SunderingTraverse the ForestsScouts & BoilsTezcacoatl, chieftain of Tlaamico city and son of the saint, crept through the undergrowth alongside a half-dozen men and few women. Ordinarily, these hunter-warriors would be led by the score by a veteran...