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“Confused? Good, you should be!”

A Khaine worshiping vampire from Hysh? Yeah, that’s a thing!

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Dust rained down from the arched halls of the Temple.Even over the ardent chanting of those gathered, the booming noise of cannons easily reached them here. The Acolytes of the Academy of the Arcane Arts of Aith'erant, Humans and Aelves in dark red robes, their faces...

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Across the flame-parched plains of Aqshy and the light-bleached deserts of Hysh, a wild story gripped the denizens of the realms. A site of ancient legend in Ghyran, the Realm of Life, held entire reservoirs of Aqua Ghyranis – enough to want for nothing ever again, to expand a mortal lifespan by centuries or to conduct powerful arcane rituals.