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“Confused? Good, you should be!”

A Khaine worshiping vampire from Hysh? Yeah, that’s a thing!

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Tzan the Stargazer

A merciless Ogroid Thaumaturge cult leader. He is master of a whole empire built to his exact whims in Ymetrica’s Saratrai Chasm.

Aemlann Tidefury

Arch-Cleric Aemlann Tidefury was there when his Ancient Idoneth City fell, barely escaping with his life. He was vital for establishing the signature Fleshwarping Magic, and sent powerful Chaos Warriors to hunt for beings known as Twin-Forms to help fuel his experimentation on this field of magic. He sees Fleshwarping as a mirror to his dual faith in Tzeentch & Nurgle.

Aurelio Thornmark

A Redcloak of immense prestige, Elder Aurelio Thornmark is the second son of the immortal Dio Thornmarker and the current oldest Thornmark.