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A Plan Well Made

May 13, 2023


This is it. The past few weeks, this has been everything Razgor had been working towards. The enormous beast known as Voidfang had been awakened by the horrible Fae and Razgor had become obsessed with it. He’d abandoned his position at the Gaping Maw portal and took his entire wartribe to track the beast down. This mythical monstrous being surely had to be it. The thing that would finally grant Razgor his perfect hunt. The perfect Hunt that would grant him Kragnos’ favour. After slaying such a monstrous being, Kragnos would have to favour him, notice him. 

Da Realmhuntaz had chased down the beast quite quickly, for such a massive creature is hard to hide. They had laid waiting in the bushes, rivers and swamps, studying it, making notes. The studying part had taken a long time, but every good hunter knows it’s the important part. They had made a list of weaknesses and strengths. They had made a map of its patterns and direction. After a few weeks, Razgor had finally managed to discover where the beast was headed next. From that point, the next step could be made. First, Razgor contacted the leaders of Rondhol, any who were willing to listen. A colourful band of warriors and diplomats had assembled in the Warboss’ tent. A black dragon, known as Gond, poked his head through a hole made in the side of the tent specifically for him. Gaston de Heulierplaine sat at the table with his ghoulish attendants. The orruk warboss Urgoth Skullsmasha paced around the room, impatiently waiting for the meeting to begin. The Templars Of Our Burning Saviour had sent an envoy to attend the meeting, as the bulk of their forces were already preparing to assault the Voidfang head on. The final guest had been a Khornate Assassin named Asarathu, a few words kinda person.

The meeting had been a fruitful affair. Although all the parties had been somewhat uneasy with each other, a plan had been made regardless. An ambush had been planned. Da Realmhuntaz would dig a large trench, filled with spikes, right across the path of the Voidfang. Once the beast sprung the trap, the chaos would begin. Da Realmhuntaz would support the other troops with their trained boltboyz and beast-skewer killbows. Razgor himself would take an elite band of his best hunters and take on the monster itself. The deal had been that Razgor would be the one to slay the beast itself. Whilst not all parties had truly agreed to the deal, it had been good enough for Razgor. Whilst Da Realmhuntaz assault the Voidfang, Urgoth and his orruks would assault the fortress and the fae on the back of the beast. They would drop in on winged beasts before the fae could properly react. The orruks would be joined by Gaston’s ghoulish forces, winged horrors who would snatch the fae from ground and big hulking behemoths who could smash through the enemies battleline with little to no effort. Gond had issued a few chariots whose job it would be to keep the beast from escaping, corralling the beast onward. Finally, the Procession would assault the beast head-on. A solid plan, Razgor had thought after the meeting. He had been somewhat worried about these Burning Saviour fellas, but once the battle began, he would be sure to claim the prize he had sought. Finally, Asarathu would help the assault on the fortress, sending their assassins to deal with more high value targets, such as captains and other figures of authority.

The digging of the trench had gone without issue. The Hobgrot project leader had kept the hobgrotz working efficiently with the soft touch of the whip. Meanwhile, the boltboyz had set up crossbow nests up in the treeline. Rickety wooden platforms bolted to the solid trees of the jungle supported the warbands 2 Beast-skewer killbows. Massive ballista, able to penetrate most hides or armour with just a few bolts. Boltboyz lined the platforms, hundreds of premade arrows at the ready. 

Just a few days later, the time had come. Razgor sat atop his sludgeraker, who was sitting in the mud of the swamps. To his right, his boltboyz and killbows were ready and waiting for the signal to start firing. Gutrippaz sat in trenches along the trap, spears and shield at the ready. Razgor could hear the stomping of the beast and the shaking of the trees as it approached. Just a few more moments and he would be able to claim his prize. He could hear the Procession closing in and Urgoths orruks taking to the skies. 

5 more paces. 4 more paces. 3 more paces. 2 more paces. One more….

The trap had sprung. The wooden planks covering the trapped trench flapped open as the hobgrot flipped the lever. The Voidfang took one more step forward, its feet impaled on the sharpened stakes. It let out a cry of pain, but then moved on. 

Damn, Razgor had hoped the beast would stop in its tracks, but no luck. But, no plan goes without its hiccups. Such a minor inconvenience would not stop Razgor from claiming his prize. As the bolts started firing, Razgor could see Urgoths orruks fly onto the fortress on the back of the beast, joined by Gastons ghouls, who savagely started tearing through the Fae’s forces. Gond’s chariots arrived right on time, stopping the beast from turning. In the distance, Razgor could hear the Templars Of The Burning Saviour close in rapidly. But despite all the chaos and a plan coming to fruition, Razgor only had one thing on his mind: What trophy he would collect from this rampant beast. Perhaps a tooth? One of the large fangs that lined its maw. Maybe it’s eyes or it’s tongue, preserved in a glass jar. Hell, maybe Razgor should just recruit some troggoths and drag the beast’s entire head to Kragnos. At that point, his god could not deny him any attention. Razgor kept pondering the question as he closed the distance to the beast.

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Khvath Slaveborn

Khvath Slaveborn

 A slave for the first 17 years of his life, this crafty serpent-man found favor and fortune as a courier and information broker in Carngrad. After successfully emancipating the city’s slaves (in favor of an exploitative profit system), he was chosen to lead the armies of Carngrad in the Prime Dominion War. Now he is a war hero and inter-realm crime lord on the Path to Glory.

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More of the Weave:

Khvath Slaveborn

Khvath Slaveborn

 A slave for the first 17 years of his life, this crafty serpent-man found favor and fortune as a courier and information broker in Carngrad. After successfully emancipating the city’s slaves (in favor of an exploitative profit system), he was chosen to lead the armies of Carngrad in the Prime Dominion War. Now he is a war hero and inter-realm crime lord on the Path to Glory.