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Act One: Path of the Great Worm

Aug 29, 2021

The Weaver

The great worm that now makes its way towards the two god-beasts, Nasson and Neolotl, began its life on the Amber Steppes. These rolling grass strewn hills and expanses of battered stone are where many of the Great Worms of Ghur make criss-cross on migrational paths that, for the most part, are well understood. Many fallen empires and kingdoms can be found in these lands, brought low by great Waaagh!s that ravaged the lands, and finally finished off during the Age of Chaos. But many of the Great Worms survived, most could simply not be destroyed by any conventional method, but also most saw their worth, either as a means of transport, security, or power. 

Even now, a number of cities have been formed on the backs of these amazing creatures, including Shu’gohl. Known as the Crawling City, Shu’gohl is considered the greatest of all the worm cities and has developed into the central trade hub of the Amber Steppes, with thousands of people travelling to the city as pilgrims, merchants, and simple travellers. But Shu’gohl is not alone; Guh’hath, Rhu’goss, and a number of others also contain settlements. Additionally, some steppe clans known as Vurm-tai nomads, or “worm-riders” have taken to following the migration routes of the great worms, picking over what was left in their wake, or raiding the caravans that travelled to and from the worm-cities. 

The worm that concerns us, though, lays undeveloped aside from a tribe of Vurm-tai that follow the worm on her route, even though it has changed direction. As followers of the great Zig-mah they fight to keep the beast free from the scar of Chaos and pure of any taint that would attempt to befoul it. These nomads have followed the worm well as it heads towards Nasson and Neolotl, but their journey has slowed as of late. 

Most of the journey has been reasonably easy, at least relatively so for what the Vurm-tai can handle, but now the worm has entered the Forest of Gorch, and their steeds have found it hard to keep up with the worm as well as contend with the many enemies that now assail them. 

Found near the Coast of Tusks, the Forest of Gorch has long ago fallen into the grip of creatures that have transformed the forest into a dank, dark, and dingy version of its former self. Moonstalka, a diminutive grot with purple feathers in his head, atop of a bright red spider, was the first that foresaw the coming of the Blue Death. Raising the alarm, the grots of the Forest of Gorch now ride to war against an enemy they know they cannot defeat. But that matters not, for Moonstalka says that the great worm has eaten a great big shroom that will call the Great Spider down from the night. They need only find the shroom, and victory will come through fang and web.

Meanwhile, within the city of Nassolottyl, city officials, led by Beliana Fauncrest, have not been slow in their response to these new tidings. The city has formed a Dawnbringer Crusade to see the great worm that descends on the city come under the control of Sigmar and his allies. Much is still needed to be decided and accomplished, though, as the city still hasn’t decided how exactly to get atop the worm, even if they know well what to do once astride. If this wasn’t enough, rumours have spread like wildfire throughout the city, and city-guard and armies now prepare for battle as their enemies have caught wind of what is happening. Two primary enemies have been heard on the tongues of the citizens; Drekazra, Bristlewhakka, and Vorgur Boarfrenzy.

As the powers of life grow ascendant, the followers of Nagash and his allies now find themselves on the back foot. Including those that haunt the crypts and forgotten places in the wilds of both Nasson and Neolotl. Drekazra the Unbowed has found this situation wanting and aims to use the opportunity of the worm to take the beasts under control once and for all. Drekazra has delved into the depths of shyishian magics and foreseen his great resurgence, brought about by the great Nagash in the form of a coiling snake in the dark.

Still, Drakazra is not the only one to see the opportunity that the worm provides with the distraction that it has caused. Bristlewhakka an Orruk chief, as well as the Chaos-worshipping Vorgur Boarfrenzy, have begun to form great armies that now roam the mountains of Neolotl and the open planes of Nasson, questing ever- closer to the cities defences.

This short story tells of the first Act of the Vurm-tai Campaign. It is intended as an overview, and to be read in tandem with the various Quests that can be found in the Quest board that have been made specifically for the Campaign. – The Weaver

More of the Weave:

Khvath Slaveborn

Khvath Slaveborn

 A slave for the first 17 years of his life, this crafty serpent-man found favor and fortune as a courier and information broker in Carngrad. After successfully emancipating the city’s slaves (in favor of an exploitative profit system), he was chosen to lead the armies of Carngrad in the Prime Dominion War. Now he is a war hero and inter-realm crime lord on the Path to Glory.

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More of the Weave:

Khvath Slaveborn

Khvath Slaveborn

 A slave for the first 17 years of his life, this crafty serpent-man found favor and fortune as a courier and information broker in Carngrad. After successfully emancipating the city’s slaves (in favor of an exploitative profit system), he was chosen to lead the armies of Carngrad in the Prime Dominion War. Now he is a war hero and inter-realm crime lord on the Path to Glory.