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Agitation Breeds Action

Oct 16, 2022

Fizzy Biscuit

The Mountains of Maraz are quiet today for lack of a better word, while Rondhol is always in dissarray where the lair of Gondrysdassnir is located things have been mostly been mild interactions with the recent additions of the gargants which have aligned themselves to the Claws of Gond. The quiet punching of hammers into nails can be heard as the grumbling of Gondrysdassnir milling about with the said gargants as he claps his claws together and inhales deeply as he readies to explain this one more time as that last five times didn’t work with his usual approach to giving information. He has been trying to explain teamwork with his troops for quite awhile with them.

“Alright. You now work for me now, which means those people down their are under my protection, which means to not step on them. How does that sound?” He says wording it as simply as he can. 

The gargants will look around at each other as they are all sat crosslegged all murmuring to each other. “They are loud though…” One of the brothers of the gargant that spoke up also speaks up. “They ain’t louder than us! Only step on when speak louder than boss! Or… when boss told us to listen to big yells… but still boss.” He thinks for a moment before the other gargant responds. “Also pointy! Hurt big feet! We should listen to the boss.” They all whisper agreeing looking at each other before one gargant in the back with surpirsingly, glasses, or at least two house windows on his eyes will raise his hand. “What about if they tell us to do stuff with da’ whips for the wiggle water worms!” They all make gasps making the comparison that they are also big like the war hydras!

Gondrysdassnir will groan clasping his claws to his head before noticing Aegnor coming out from the shadows with news. Gondrysdassnir eager to listen to anyone that isn’t the gargants he will quickly look over and speak. “Patrol the outskirts! Go out and run out any intruders in our domain! If you so please feed on them aswell…” They will look up out of focus before screaming hooray as they all stampede out, some making sure not to step on some folk. Gondrysdassnir will slowly look down as he speaks slowly at his masked general. “Speak.”

Aegnor will twist his leg into a salute, but there is hesitancy in his stance like someone who is about to give someone bad news. “Right sir… we have news from the council of recent events along with news of our success in building your lair master.” Gond will look down unimpressed as he will sigh. “I see, then carry on, what are the recent happenings in Rondhol.” 

Aegnor will gulp as he will take out his paper taking a deep breath and starts to recount the recent events that have gone down in Rondol.

Somewhere in the distance on the riverbanks some random goose looks out hearing something yelling in the distance. They will continue being a goose as magma under the water keeps them warm.




The cavern booms with his voice as the privateers and now very few aleguzzler gargants will sober up only slightly looking over at a flabberghasted dragon. “An ally betrays us, Rondhol has opened up to swallow the orruks, not only that but the artefact- MY ARTEFACT! I lent to that dumbfounded council has been stolen!” Aegnor will nod firmly, slightly terrified from the smell of gas even through his mask. Gondrysdassnir lashes his tail as he looks over the cavern. “Perhaps… perhaps I have been to slow in my planning, the continent will not wait for me. So I shall not wait for it.” He will look out to the cavern as he roars out raising his wings to gain the attention of his army. “Claws of Gond! We have been toiling over the minutiae of our efforts to reclaim the magic we desire! I can smell your inner lust for carnage brewing from your monotonous blunting of hammering wood. You all shall go and plunder the riverways of river beasts, wild hydras, giant sharks! Anything that tries to evade your sight you shall hunt and slaughter for our horde, our profit! It is about time Rondhol knows the name of Gondrysdassnir!”

The cavern will be silent for one moment before all his troops roar out cheering as they speak his name! Gond, Gond, Gond! Gondrysdassnir will look back over to Aegnor as he will huff. “You shall start learning about who might’ve taken those plans. I want what is rightfully mine.” he says with a sneer with Aegnor knowing full well that dark plans now brewing in his masters mind, he will then walk away as Gondrysdassnir will open his dark wings and take off shooting out of his lair into the smog sky.

Gondrysdassnir thinks about what case he will make to the Council as he does not show himself nor is of great higher status, but he will find a way. It isn’t about how much gold you have… only how well your make your presentation.

His draconic heart rumbles as it finally has awakened from the everlasting toiling of smaller details as he starts his plan tonight.

More of the Weave:

Khvath Slaveborn

Khvath Slaveborn

 A slave for the first 17 years of his life, this crafty serpent-man found favor and fortune as a courier and information broker in Carngrad. After successfully emancipating the city’s slaves (in favor of an exploitative profit system), he was chosen to lead the armies of Carngrad in the Prime Dominion War. Now he is a war hero and inter-realm crime lord on the Path to Glory.

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More of the Weave:

Khvath Slaveborn

Khvath Slaveborn

 A slave for the first 17 years of his life, this crafty serpent-man found favor and fortune as a courier and information broker in Carngrad. After successfully emancipating the city’s slaves (in favor of an exploitative profit system), he was chosen to lead the armies of Carngrad in the Prime Dominion War. Now he is a war hero and inter-realm crime lord on the Path to Glory.