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The city of Amasya was ground zero of a great chapter of the Mortal Realms, now known as The War for the Hallowed Necropolis.

It began deep in the wyldwoods of Ghyran upon the banks of the Ur-River, where Amasya- a sacred city, supposedly built upon the very place where Sigmar first set foot in the Realm of Life- was deliberately lost to history, so that the Dark Gods might never despoil it.

Rediscovered by chance, armies of all the gods soon descended on Amasya. Mithridates Alti, last priest-king of Amasya, sought to reclaim his birthright, while Hammerhal Ghyra marched to annex the city into their domain. Beneath the black banners of the Everchosen, knights of ruin Qarang Sarn and Irkut Thousandeyes fought each other for their prize. Elsewhere, an ogor prophet called Da Maw Dat Walkz led a gruesome pilgrimage, while the Seraphon engineered an unlikely alliance of aelfs and greenskins to serve an unknown end.

While each of these champions achieved their ambitions, true victory was denied them all. Mithridates Alti opened his father’s tomb, only to become besieged within it himself; Hammerhal took the city, yet found it already sacked. Qarang Sarn and Irkut Thousandeyes brought themselves to the brink of destroying each other, only to be reminded of their fealty. Da Maw Dat Walkz opened great slavering gullet-pits within the city walls, and although the Skoga Grakk collapsed the hallowed necropolis itself, the Seraphon’s true adversary eluded them.

With the hallowed necropolis destroyed by the celestial obliteration of a falling Seraphon constellation, a new realmgate to Shyish has opened and the Ur-River has poured through it, ushering in a new phase of the war…

The story of the Hallowed Necropolis can be found here

Presently, the Delegation from Hammerhal has fortified Azyrhol and the surrounding residential district. It’s not yet a functioning city again, but more like a military base; it’s got all the comforts of home but it’s “citizens” are active-duty soldiers.

Rahipmezar- “the priest’s tomb” is blockaded, and the vampire Mithridates Alti and what’s left of his army are barricaded inside. The battle is currently at a stalemate- the war in Lake Bykaal has prevented Seneschal-General Monique von Helminger from mustering enough forces to crush the undead, but they’ll be destroyed if they try to escape, too.

The bridge-fortress of Grung Esik is completely controlled by the Delegation, and they hold Yol Grimnir and the southern road as well, allowing them to move troops and ships into the city from both sides. Teselli Alari, Isik Kulesi and Karanlik Saray were all sacked by Chaos before they moved on to Lake Bykaal, and have not been reclaimed- again, the Delegation doesn’t have the forces- but, aside from whatever horrors the Chaos armies left behind, are not actively hostile.

Nagaskahip is completely gone: there’s a giant whirlpool realmgate there where Zectoka hit it with a starstrike.
Aside from Rahipmezar, Gorkoyuk is the only other enemy-held territory, as the Ogor butcheress Da Maw Dat Walkz is still entrenched there. For reasons unknown, her cultists- mostly moonclan grots, gutbuster ogors and flesh-eater ghouls- have been scavenging the dead from around the city and tossing them into the pits, which appear to be growing… and also growing teeth.

This story was the result of Animosity I – The Hallowed Necropolis
Animosity Campaigns re-launched in June 2019 with Animosity I – The Hallowed Necropolis. In the three days that followed, over 40 players at 6 events in 3 countries participated in the global narrative event. Everything, including the player-written narratives, has been preserved in the Animosity I Omnibus.

Khvath Slaveborn

 A slave for the first 17 years of his life, this crafty serpent-man found favor and fortune as a courier and information broker in Carngrad. After successfully emancipating the city’s slaves (in favor of an exploitative profit system), he was chosen to lead the armies of Carngrad in the Prime Dominion War. Now he is a war hero and inter-realm crime lord on the Path to Glory.