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Tidecaster of the Fangs of the Deep, Envoy to Khardihr


Submitted by:

Tygon Panthera


Do not destroy without permission

Not many Isharann joined Agannon when he left Nautilar behind to fight the forces threatening Ghur on his own. Among them is Amphillis. Relatively young for a Tidecaster, she sympathized with Agannon’s desire to protect the people of Ghur and not just remain safe in the depths while the realm burned. The Best Master welcomed her among the Fangs of the Deep, in part because he found her open mind quite refreshing, but also because the Tidecasters’ abilities are essential. Without them summoning the ethersea an Idoneth group would have to leave their mounts behind when leaving the ocean.

While fully capable as a Tidecaster Amphillis is lacking in power, compared to most of her peers. However, her fine control of the ethersea is very nearly unparalleled. She is capable of creating spheres of ethersea small enough for just a single Fangmora Eel and rider, and she can maintain those over considerable distances, which has been a boon for the Fangs of the Deep’s scouts.

It was this ability, as well as her open mind that convinced Agannon that Amphillis was the right one to send to Khardihr. Although a capable force, there was only so much the Fangs of the Deep could do against the forces of Chaos-worshiping pirates infesting the Svlind or the roaming Orruk warbands on the rivers of Rondhol without allies. And with Khardihr being the largest bastion of Sigmar’s forces in the area, the city was the obvious choice. Amphillis’ keen mind as well as her lack of disdain for the other mortal races, which plagues many Idoneth, as well as her abilities as a Tidecaster made her an ideal envoy to the Sigmarite city.

Amphillis herself is less convinced of her abilities in this matter, but she intends to fulfill this new duty to the best of her abilities, not wishing to disappoint the Beast Master of Nautilar.

Khvath Slaveborn

 A slave for the first 17 years of his life, this crafty serpent-man found favor and fortune as a courier and information broker in Carngrad. After successfully emancipating the city’s slaves (in favor of an exploitative profit system), he was chosen to lead the armies of Carngrad in the Prime Dominion War. Now he is a war hero and inter-realm crime lord on the Path to Glory.