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An unfortunate turn of events

Feb 18, 2022


The last time Anastasia laid eyes on the Crimson Keep was two nights prior. It manifested itself on these very same cold stone ruins that laid before her. Drilled itself into this Ghurish nightsky, soaking the dry soil with red, sticky wetness. Just thinking of it made her shiver. The massive gates opened like the maw of a great beast and hundreds of Blood Knights and their associates rushed into the night. To hunt. For Anastasia, as always accompanied by her retinue The Heart Piercers, it was a hunt like any other.

Until it wasn’t.


Just as she was dueling a talented Ghurish warchief one of those Avengorian freaks interrupted her duel by ripping her adversary to shreds. The thought still made her furious. You don’t just kill another’s prey. She clearly remembered the moment she charged the vampire monster and how blind rage overtook her senses and pushed every thought of returning to the Crimson Keep on time to the back of her mind. The shocked yell of one of her Knights brought her back to her senses.

 „Mistress, the Keep! It’s leaving without us!“

Still focused on the Vengorian beast she caught a movement in the corner of her eye just in time to witness the last remnants of the mighty castle she called her home fold in on itself.

That was it. It was gone.

There was no telling when or where it would manifest again. All of a sudden, Anastasia felt weary and something else that she hadn’t felt it quite a while. Dread. What if she never made it back? She cursed herself for flying into rage so easily – again- and dooming herself and her retinue to this forsaken land.

 „No“ she thought „you are a deVries, there is always a way for a deVries.“

Another yell brought her back as Anastasia almost missed the Vengorian launch himself into her again. She used his momentum to crash his heavy frame into a nearby rock, leaped onto his chest with alien speed and pressed the tip of her stiletto dagger to where his heart was.

„I should end you, freak!“ Anastasia spit through her teeth. The other, dazed by apparently suffering from concussion merely grunted. „But I will issue you an ultimatum…“ She leaned slightly forward, held the other’s gaze and whispered „…join my retinue. Assist me in leaving this place. And you are free to go.“ The monster snarled nastily as he tried to push Anastasia off him. Her blade instantly pricked his skin above his heart, dark liquid oozing. He let go of her immediately. She had him. For now. That’s how vampire code worked.

„I… will…“ he seemed to have trouble forming the words. „I will do… as you wish, Mistress.“ He rasped.

„Good boy.“ Anastasia patted his shoulder, a feral smile playing around her lips.


Valak stood next to her as she contemplated the ruins again. The Vengorian’s chests and arms were covered in blood, the red splatter on his face mock freckles. He carelessly tossed aside the body of one the settlers that had made camp here with the Stormcast and then proceeded to search for another injured snack among the chaos of the ransacked tents. Anastasia flicked her fingers  and already the corpse began to stir.

The Stormcast were gone. The moment they realised they weren’t able to hold the territory they tried to  secure the withdrawal of the settlers but were soon overwhelmed by sheer numbers as their dead companions turned on them. Lightning flared up the Steppes as Sigmar’s warriors were cast back to Azyr.

The Heart Piercers had cornered one of them and had been arguing with utmost fervor who was to have a taste of the Azyran blood first. Because drinking from a Stormcast was a fun but dangerous endeavour. You had to be really careful for if you sucked them until they dropped you risked being scorched off the face of the realm by flash of lightning.

Anastasia had no mind for such games now. The only thing that occupied her was the Crimson Keep. Claiming the ruins and establishing a stronghold was merely the first step of many. Time to get to work.


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Khvath Slaveborn

Khvath Slaveborn

 A slave for the first 17 years of his life, this crafty serpent-man found favor and fortune as a courier and information broker in Carngrad. After successfully emancipating the city’s slaves (in favor of an exploitative profit system), he was chosen to lead the armies of Carngrad in the Prime Dominion War. Now he is a war hero and inter-realm crime lord on the Path to Glory.

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More of the Weave:

Khvath Slaveborn

Khvath Slaveborn

 A slave for the first 17 years of his life, this crafty serpent-man found favor and fortune as a courier and information broker in Carngrad. After successfully emancipating the city’s slaves (in favor of an exploitative profit system), he was chosen to lead the armies of Carngrad in the Prime Dominion War. Now he is a war hero and inter-realm crime lord on the Path to Glory.