With the conclusion of the Realmgate Wars, the various Darkling Covens settled throughout the newly founded cities of Order. The Doom Rings coven took root in the city of Hallowheart and began making overtures to plant their supreme sorceress on the councils of the Collegiate Arcane. 100 years later, Ancamarth Heartbreaker is poised to do just that, through bargains brokered one hundred years ago in addition to her own shrewd charms. Since seduction only goes so far, Ancamarth recently folded her forces into the Hallowheart contribution to the Expedition coalition during the Burning Winter campaign around Lake Bykaal in Shyish. Her soldiers served honorably by all report and Ancamarth herself discovered the book of Nyura and completed rituals which aided in the defeat of the Storm King Shaggoth. The conclusion of the campaign granted her a great deal of political clout in the city, which she used to raise Tante Zak, a jade wizard rumored to be within her thrall, to a junior position in the Whitefire Court. But now, Ancamarth is called once more to join the Arcanum Venatores as their former field commander, the arch-wizard Vallash Kall, fled Hallowheart with the forbidden Book of Nyura in his clutches. Their orders are to find him and take the book back no matter the cost.
Ancamarth Heartbreaker outwardly projects a sensual menace which the majority of mortals find disquieting. Her political actions, like most other Darkling sorceresses, indicate a malicious predilection as she orders executions, blackmails, and magical protection rackets. Her interactions with others are a deadly verbal game as she seeks to bind all who speak to her into some unfortunate agreement. Yet those who have known her long enough can parse past the tough talk and determine that Ancamarth does care, just not about you, it would seem.