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Anruil Brighteyes

Anruil Brighteyes is the bastard son of a Spellweaver in the Living City and the notorious Corsair captain, playboy, infuriatingly successful adventurer and all around infamous Anruil Althariel.

Brighteyes’ birth was actually the source of some small embarrassment for his father. Normally Althariel’s intimate relations were water under the bridge, at least for him, but the Corsair made a miscalculation when he courted Tuori Greenmane. The loose sorority of Spellweavers, incensed by what they saw as an insult against one of their own, made much trouble for the Althariels in the Living City and beyond.

As a result of this Brighteyes was at the center of a political storm almost from day one- a fight among the movers and shakers of the Living City, between those who advocated for accountability for figures like Althariel and those who were nervous about alienating a powerful Azyrheim family over such a trifle.

In the midst of this, Brighteyes’ aunt- actually his mother’s cousin- Karli Bloodeye, herself a fearsome Corsair, scooped him up, reasoning that life as a privateer was better than life as a pawn. Brighteyes would spend the next seventy years in her service, learning all there is to know about leadership and strategy. Technically he’s still sworn to her- practically he has long since eclipsed her in terms of influence.

When Hammerhal’s ruling council decided to annex the newly rediscovered Amasya, Brighteyes was one of the many commanders seconded to Seneschal-General Monique von Helminger. With her own background in Azyrheim’s esteemed military colleges to inform her judgement, Monique chose Anruil to lead the Expedition after Han Shinzong’s disappearance. Still, she couldn’t have held him back even if she had wanted: his fate, like that of his half-sister Arali, is inextricably entwined with that of Lake Bykaal itself.

The Expedition

Led by Fleetmaster Anruil Brighteyes, the Expedition represents the authority of Hammerhal and the divine will of the God King Sigmar himself… well, more or less. The Expedition’s orders are to defend the far side of the Ghyrplunge realmgate against attack, discover the fate of the missing Lord-Celestant Han Shinzong, and protect Azyr’s interests- no matter the cost.

The Expedition has been dispatched on behalf of Hammerhal to venture through the Ghyrplunge realmgate from Amasya to Lake Bykaal, discover the fate of Lord-Celestant Han Shinzong, and bring this backwater underworld under Sigmar’s domain.

Less a conventional army and more an ad-hoc detachment, the Expedition is made up of either volunteers eager for glory or mercenaries hungry for coin. Generally, regiments from the Cities of Sigmar fall into the former category, while the Kharadron Overlords fall into the latter: the hazard pay is good, and the chance at undiscovered veins of aether-gold invaluable. Several brotherhoods of Stormcast Eternals have also pledged their blades, promising to avenge the Lord-Celestant if he has indeed been slain by the retreating Chaos armies.

Submitted by:

Animosity II


Do not kill

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