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Arch-Hekatos Kalazar – Master of the Roots


Kalazar was sent into Ghur to die, or so they thought. Without the support of the Ossiarch supply lines, they saw no way to maintain their forces. Upon arriving at the Fangwood, they realized that they could create a fortress from which the Bonereapers could ride out to conquer Ghur.

With the assistance of the Sylvaneth, the Arch-Hekatos created a new body for themself. Now, Kalazar has mastery over the magics of both Life and Death. They are connected to the Alpha Tree and lead the legion through their connection to the Bloodroots.

Bloodroot Legion : The Great Weave

Tenets of Kalazar:

  • Exploitation and growth are the principles of Ghur, any keen mind will use that to their benefit.
  • You must see beyond the ground in front of you. When your foes see your plans in action, it must be too late for them to stop you.
  • I was created to be me, any rewards I claim for myself must be by design.

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Path to Story


Arch-Hekatos Kalazar is the leader of the Bloodroot Legion. During the Hungering Path campaign, Kalazar will be able to provide rewards for those who swear to join his quests.

Do not destroy without permission

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