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Archprophetess Sytarith the Intricate

Driven by ever-shifting visions, the Tzaangor Archprophetess Sytarith the Intricate leads a small warband of Templars of Our Burning Saviour to Rondhol, where the strands of Fate draw her more and more towards the depths of Furyoth Dell.


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Burning Templar


Do not destroy without permission

Sytarith, a trueborn Tzaangor, is a high-ranking member of the Priesthood of Our Burning Saviour. A being of great arcane might, from the moment of her initiation, she has routinely impressed her superiors with her abilities, first and foremost with her gift of prophecy, which is why she has been declared a Prophetess in the ranks of the clergy. 

Respected by all for her arcane knowledge and prowess, a veteran of many crusades and advisor to many a High Templar, her honours and accolades are manyfold.

Behind a thin veneer of serenity and detached arrogance, Sytarith the Intricate herself feels the grasp over her power and her very mind slipping every day, every hour.

There is no arcane spell brought forth successfully without it being a split hair away from being miscast, no ritual that wasn’t nearly ruined within the last second.  

Knowledge and Wisdom fall into the abyss whenever she seeks to concentrate, and Sytarith is barely able to get by with the shattered remnants she manages to scrape together at any given moment.

Her superiors and her subordinates pretend to not notice, but she knows they do, and within that knowledge lies agony, for her downfall could come any second, she expects, with her superiors stripping her of her titles and casting her into the fire, to burn for Our Saviour’s glory – quite literally. For an Archprophetess with no magical powers is like an invalid warrior, and those serve Tzeentch’s cause in the choir of the burning.

She is regularly plagued by nightmares and headaches, which have been slowly becoming indistinguishable from the Divine visions she used to have…

Once the Prophetess awakes, it is hard to tell what she sees within the nightmares, as it is invariably lost in waking. Still, the strands of fate are relentlessly and mercilessly pulling her towards Furyoth Dell, and while she wouldn’t trust her failing powers, not completely, this has been a welcome pretext for making her escape.

She is unsure why her warband of heavily armoured Templars and nimble sariant warriors have elected to follow her there, trusting in a vision that has obviously sprung from a diseased mind, but they have.

The Tzaangor Priestess does not know what she is seeking in the Dell, or if she will even recognize it should she find it, but for now it is impossible to stop pretending.


After finding a Holy Artifact from the Age of Chaos, the Shifting Monolith, and binding herself to it with dire consequences, Sytarith formed a massive host of followers, the undivided Procession of Blood, and triumphed over the Fae in the massive battle of the Voidfang. The Monolith and the Fae’s temple disappeared in a bright arcane blaze; she has been missing in action ever since, and is presumed dead.

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