Banoffee Eatter
Banoffee is an Aelf that hails from Ulgu, mysterious as she is strong, she is the newest addition to Team Sparkles, but by far the most magically inclined. Be aware though, she is quite fond of through acid bombs in the direction of those she finds… annoying.
Fort Carcass
Fort Carcass is a border castle of king Marrowblade's domain. It was build upon former Desraki territory conquered thanks to the help of two vampires - Vaska and Badr. Fort Carcass is manned by a fairly large contingent of ghouls led by Baron Gutliver. It's proximity...
Briar Haven
Briar Haven is a town build upon a piece of former Desraki territory, granted by king Marrowblade to Vaska and Badr. While the town is neither big nor rich, it is place where anyone wishing to escape the Hellscorn War can find safety.Haven is defended by a contingent...
City of Skullbrand, Dragon Ogor Kingdom
A township of medium size, Skullbrand was conquered by the Templars of Our Burning Saviour with the assistance of their Dragon Ogor allies during the events of the Hellscorn war. As per the accord agreed upon by Paladin of Fate, Vardeshir the Solemn and the Dragon...