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Banoffee Eatter

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Banoffee Eatter

Banoffee is an Aelf that hails from Ulgu, mysterious as she is strong, she is the newest addition to Team Sparkles, but by far the most magically inclined. Be aware though, she is quite fond of through acid bombs in the direction of those she finds… annoying.

Report to the Heresiarch: The Pintados

Heresiarch,The Darkoath offshoot known as the Pintados, as ever, continue to be among the mightiest and most reliable irregulars and auxiliary forces in your newly forged Ang-Angkor dominion. The tale of every oath fulfilled is tattoed on their skin, and their muscled...

Slaughter in the swamp

After 3 days of force marching the claw hoard had finally arrived at The Drench. Clawlord Bonepest had made his way to this new theater of war at the command of Ratsputin who pulled some strings back at the capitol. This new force was made up mostly of clanrat slaves...

Report to the Heresiarch: The Coin Lords

Heresiarch,I have made no secret of my disappointment in the fighting abilities of the Chamoni warsmiths calling themselves the Coin Lords, and they continue to give me no reason to change my mind. They are well armed and armored, but possess little nimbleness or...

Report to the Heresiarch: The Pintados

Heresiarch,The Darkoath offshoot known as the Pintados, as ever, continue to be among the mightiest and most reliable irregulars and auxiliary forces in your newly forged Ang-Angkor dominion. The tale of every oath fulfilled is tattoed on their skin, and their muscled...

Slaughter in the swamp

After 3 days of force marching the claw hoard had finally arrived at The Drench. Clawlord Bonepest had made his way to this new theater of war at the command of Ratsputin who pulled some strings back at the capitol. This new force was made up mostly of clanrat slaves...

Report to the Heresiarch: The Coin Lords

Heresiarch,I have made no secret of my disappointment in the fighting abilities of the Chamoni warsmiths calling themselves the Coin Lords, and they continue to give me no reason to change my mind. They are well armed and armored, but possess little nimbleness or...