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Bark and Salt, Fire and Ice, and a Silvery Reveal

Sep 19, 2020

Scylassa Brinebane and those that followed her were in trouble. They had entered the Argetoria Valley for the same reason most Deepkin found themselves on-land, namely, in search of souls. Unfortunately, their force had been met with failure after failure, as they had met only Deamons on this sea-forsaken land.  And so, they now sought out ways to recuperate. They had less souls than when they had arrived, and so the Warband needed healing, and they needed it fast. Thankfully, help seemed to be at hand. Brinebane had felt the presence of a luminescent soul that could repair the souls of her Warband, and so they struck out in search of their aid, their Leviadon giving them cover as they traversed the lands. But when they arrived, they were not alone. A unit of Stormcast descended on the party, led by a Drakesworm Templar, riding a massive Stardrake no less. The two parties clashed with such ferocity the first handful of moments occurred in a blur. Reversing the tides as fast as she could, Scylassa hoped to turn the battle to her advantage, nullifying the surprise that the Stormcast had on them. But simultaneously, the Templar called down the heavens and with a wave of his hand wiped out a unit of thralls and charged into another unit, pulling the Deepkin into mortal combat. Scylassa had no choice, it was now or never, and so she had called on the Leviadon that soared above the battle raining down fire on their enemies. She needed not the firepower, but rather the creature itself. And so the Leviadon crashed into the Stardrake, pulling it away from the Deepkin units, and allowing them to get back into position and make a last desperate stand. Thankfully, they were able to push back the Eternals, and although they left the fight without harvesting any more souls, they had at least held the line, and come out on top.

Admiral Aethermusk found himself, again, with his back up against a wall. Or rather, a tree.  Aboard The Venture Capitalist, he had ordered the Gunhauler to land in what appeared to be a sparse thicket, but the Free* Company soon came under attack from all sides. The Admiral had mistakenly said, “They’re in the trees!” In fact, the enemies were not in the trees but were the trees themselves. And so the Overlords found themselves firing and hacking into the Sylvaneth that poured out of the surrounding forest. The Free Company was overwhelmed by Kurnoth Hunters and A Spirit of Durthu. To his credit, Admiral Aethermusk did engage the Spirit of Durthu, but prior wounds from a unit of Kurnoth Hunters proved to be too much. The Venture Capitalist performed a desperate manoeuvre firing her cannon into the Spirit of Durthu and the crew’s carbines into the remaining hunters. The gambit did not pay off though and The Venture Capitalist withdrew after being crippled. 

Having managed to survive the attack by the Kharadron of Admiral Aethermusk, Skog Tuskcutter and his followers, set out again, keeping the Everwinter at their backs, and conquest ahead of them. It was this wintery force that finally crashed into the molten forces of the Fyreslayers making their own mark on the Argetorian soils. And a mighty battle it was, the great elementals clashed, Magmadroth against Thundertusk, the storm above raging against molten runes. In the midst of this though, a greater threat was felt, one new to both the Ogors and the Fyreslayers. Lazarra and his Silver Host had revealed themselves. In the midst of the fight, Lazarra struck at the Foundry Alembic, presumably hoping that the chaos of the fight would provide cover. But it was not to be, and the mighty Silver Host was kept at bay, as Skog held his ground, and rebuffed the forces that sought to overwhelm him and his brothers.

Still, even aside from these great battles, war raged across Argetoria. Lazarra has gotten a hold of an ancient artefact within The Cogwork Unmaking, finding the area undefended. And High Admiral Vindjeger Gudenebroler found himself, fighting for his life in the midst of followers of Khorne. 

*Still not free.

(Thank you to Scott, John, and Ben for their battle reports!)

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Khvath Slaveborn

Khvath Slaveborn

 A slave for the first 17 years of his life, this crafty serpent-man found favor and fortune as a courier and information broker in Carngrad. After successfully emancipating the city’s slaves (in favor of an exploitative profit system), he was chosen to lead the armies of Carngrad in the Prime Dominion War. Now he is a war hero and inter-realm crime lord on the Path to Glory.

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More of the Weave:

Khvath Slaveborn

Khvath Slaveborn

 A slave for the first 17 years of his life, this crafty serpent-man found favor and fortune as a courier and information broker in Carngrad. After successfully emancipating the city’s slaves (in favor of an exploitative profit system), he was chosen to lead the armies of Carngrad in the Prime Dominion War. Now he is a war hero and inter-realm crime lord on the Path to Glory.