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Barlimn Grimnirr


Son of Groimn, fifth head of the Ironhewer family. Brought honor and renown to the family name in Lofnir by acquiring, hatching and raising 4 magmadroths under his guidance and bringging in a good, although less impressive, amount of ur-gold. He rides Slarrack into battle. The first Magmadroth his father raised.

At first sight, his brown skin with an almost golden shine to it paired with a permanent frown etched in his face gives the impression of a laborer who spent too much time under the sun. The persistent black stains covering his feets, hands and extremities of his beard suggest that his exposure was to a source of light more akin to a fyreslayer.

Barlimn is a stoic duardin with a constantly grumpy face, but surprisingly easy to deal with. He doesn’t have a strong opinion on most subjects. As a leader he usually listens to his wife, Vostanna Ironhewer or Bronar Drakecleaver. It’s actually easier to look for one of the two if you want a straigh answer. Unless the subject is magmadroths. That’s when duardin stubborness kicks in and he listens to no one. If it was up to him, his time would be spent tending for, grooming, training or riding magmadroths. 

He has less and less time for it now that he is the head of the Drothgar Lodge. His magmahold underneath the Wurmcaller Beacon has the tales of his recent deeds etched in its walls. There one can read about its discovery, its construction and its ongoing development. There’s plenty of real estate left in the wall for his future exploits, including his recent venture into the Bleeding Wilds.


Submitted by:

Veritas Templar


Do not destroy without permission

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