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Baron Torglos Grubwood

Baron Torglos Grubwood "Darkoathbane" - As Castellan he holds the command of Weeping Tor when the Grand Master is absent. As a Lord of Plagues he personally marshals the Blightking battlelines when the Order marches to war, along with other mortals/beasts that accompany them.

baron torglos

Submitted by:

Dr. Ulcerott Mouldspawn


  1. Do not destroy without permission

Baron Torglos Grubwood – As Castellan he holds the command of Weeping Tor when the Grand Master is absent. As a Lord of Plagues he personally marshals the Blightking battlelines when the Order marches to war, along with other mortals/beasts that accompany them.

The Order generally holds that the Sorcerer coven are advisors to the Grand Master and often therefore serve as commanders on the battlefield, however, it is the Castellan and his fellow officers who actually lead the fighting men and beasts on the field. He is armed with his trusty scythe, Despair, and wears an antique suit of plate armour. 

Like all natives of Shyish he is generally very dour and quite gloomy, the characteristic mirth of Nurglites being generally absent. He despises the undead totally, seeing them as unwilling to accept their fate and just die, which is completely opposed to his faith in the Grandfather. He also dislikes ogors with their penchant for overeating and their natural resilience.

Baron Grubwood was originally a member of a local tribe’s aristocracy before its land was invaded by a Bonereaper legion. Most of the population was almost exterminated, though Torglos was one of a small number that survived. As starvation began to kill off this group, his faith in his tribe’s gods collapsed, only to be turned towards one who gave his body the ability to keep going. Later, he was inducted by a Nurglite warband whose leaders saw the Plague God’s favour about him. He was able to excell on the battlefield enough to catch the eye of the Order. His ascension into their ranks was surprisingly rapid, later achieving the rank of Castellan. As to future advancement, it is likely he has his eye on the Grand Master’s throne, though with scant information on who currently sits in that esteemed position, we can only speculate on his ambition.

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