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Battle at Blood-drenched Hill (Part 2)

Jan 31, 2022

Nicolas Di Fausto

The warband was on the move and forming in line of battle. Togtol stepped down the mountainous path, bouncing on the saddle of his Gnashtoof Unbool. The warriors were warned to keep an eye open, since the enemy was supposed to be here somewhere.

Togtol was hunting an orruk boss that had chased him for days, who everyone called the “Bad’ Unn”. The orruk was somewhat famous in the region, as being the most despicable orruk, who had no “‘rite brain, dat git” and fought “like u’ coward.”.

The hunt had been tiredsome, since the orruk seemed to know how to get on the bosses nerves and changing the battle ground over and over again. Togtol tried to keep his mind sharp, while struggling with Unbool, his mount, who seemed to have been acting strange for a long time.

“Shh… calm, you lousy dog!…”, Togtol hissed at his dog, who seemed to take more and more control over his master and moving against his will, “… I should have killed you where we found …”.

Togtol didn’t manage to finish off his sentence, as Unbool suddenly took off, dragging Togtol on his saddle with him. The grot tried to take control of the warbeast. He was used to handle and dominate wolves of his homeland, but this creature was stupid and indisciplined.

Togtol: “Aaaaah!”. Togtol tightened his grip on the beast, that seemed to drag him for minutes along. Then suddenly, ith a shattering jolt Unbool stopped, throwing Togtol nearly off his saddle. The creature started to slaver and whimper uncontrollably, while at the same time trying to search for something on the ground. His rider sat himself up again and reached for the reins.

Togtol screamed: “What is wrong with you, you idiot!”.

After cursing and punching at Unbool’s neck, Togtol suddenly realized, that he had been separeted from his warband. Then, he realized that someone had layed a bait, that was currently being eaten by Unbool.

He had been tricked by that lousy orruk. And he would realize it a little too soon.

In front of him, the Bad’unn was grinning at him, as he laughed along with a few handful of his fighters.

“Seemz like you’ lost your gits!…”, the Bad’unns expression changed into a hateful stare, “… now get prepared for da kickin’!”.

Togtol quickly pulled the reins of his beast, who had finished his meal. Behind a formation of rocks at his back, a small portion of his warband appeared, ready to come and aid their general. It seemed like they were slightly undermanned.

“Screw it! This battleground is as good as any other!”, he mumbled to himself first, then started to shout to his warriors. “Everyone in line, I’ve got us a battle once again!”.



Rulerz of da Waster (Orruk Warclans) VS Da Bad Bunch (Ironjawz) (800 points)

So a friend and I decided to test the game out for us, since we both lacked any actual experience of play with AoS. We set up a game with a lot of proxies, since the miniatures weren’t all assembled. He took the role of “Da Bad’Unn”, a side character we invented on the spot, that ended up to be a very interesting character on his own. Having survived the battle, he may turn back even angrier and wanting to take revenge.

We rolled the Ambush scenario and he ended up cornering my troops quite a lot with a scary bunch of Ironjawz who wanted to punch into my generals face. My wolfriders had no chance. Lucky enough and to our amazement, my boltboys managed to kill his general on round 1.

We managed to play two full rounds after slowly learning the ropes and at the end of it, my buddy put down his arms. In the legends, “Da Bad’Unn” managed to survive. He probably just acted dead that coward!

Since we realized we missed out a few rules here and there, I decided not to take any reward from making it into round 3, since my enemy even surrendered before the start of it – but it was a lot of fun!

More of the Weave:

Khvath Slaveborn

Khvath Slaveborn

 A slave for the first 17 years of his life, this crafty serpent-man found favor and fortune as a courier and information broker in Carngrad. After successfully emancipating the city’s slaves (in favor of an exploitative profit system), he was chosen to lead the armies of Carngrad in the Prime Dominion War. Now he is a war hero and inter-realm crime lord on the Path to Glory.

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3 years ago

Oh! Like me this was also your first game/learning the rules, eh? I love how the campaign has galvanised us to finally cross that line into play! “He probably just acted dead that coward!” HAHAHA. The Bad’Unn is a fun villain for your piece.

On the surrender note, I learned this in my game – the time you’re allowed to surrender is during your Hero Phase, so it’s possible you may have made it to Round 3 as that may have been the only game-legal place for the Bad’Unn player to have made his surrender.

Fun band – looking forward to what they get up to in the Steppes!

More of the Weave:

Khvath Slaveborn

Khvath Slaveborn

 A slave for the first 17 years of his life, this crafty serpent-man found favor and fortune as a courier and information broker in Carngrad. After successfully emancipating the city’s slaves (in favor of an exploitative profit system), he was chosen to lead the armies of Carngrad in the Prime Dominion War. Now he is a war hero and inter-realm crime lord on the Path to Glory.