The Excremental Herd
The Excremental Herd have been wandering the realms for many years, following Beastlord Grolghur Festerhorn as he seeks to lead them home to Nurgle's Garden. Yet their quest has not met with much success and so Grolghur has decided that his herd is not yet ready to reach the sacred land of the grandfather and so seeks to create an event of epic befoulment to prove to Papa Nurgle that they are worthy to come home.
The herd has come to the Lost Isle of Concendia, to see if the apparently unspoilt paradise is the place where such an act could be perpetrated.
This is one of three explorers seeking to discovery the mystery that lies at the heart of the Concendia as part of Narrative Labs' interactive Age of Sigmar narrative campaign "Path to Glory Discovery" and you can support them through your own submissions and by joining their inner circle of advisors and spies. If you want to join their Inner Circle, head over to Narrative Labs' Discord channel, and post your intent in the Path to Glory Discovery "Join-an-inner-circle" Channel.
To find out more details about this exciting Campaign visit the campaign section of our website.
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Duel at the End of Ash and Sigils
He tasted blood, and he spit it out. Beside him, Xshaeta’s head was hanging limp. Isthubar turned his neck towards the Blightking, hissing at him.With extreme effort, he staggered to his feet. An ugly, blubbering belly laugh greeted him as he once more faced the...
Path of Sigils
“Who did this?”The Skaven struggled in pain, his extremities broken and limp. It was no challenge to make him talk; it was obvious the coward had seen too much already.The Templars had followed the fleeing plague monks to this clearing, where the skaven had tried to...