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Bor Goadfist – Boss Prime O’ Da Minions


Unlike other hobgrots, Bor is a formidable opponent on the battlefield. While the Bogswallow Marauders prefer to use hit-and-run tactics, there are occasions where the hobgrots must engage their enemies in true combat. Bor relished the opportunity to sow fear into his foes by cutting down their leaders. Before he claimed the seat of the Warlord, Bor was already looked upon as the champion of the hobgrot forces. The Merchant Lords of the Marauders feared Bor’s reputation and strove to keep him away from any position of command.

After his mission to the Prime Dominion, Bor decided that he should claim the throne for himself. For his service to the Aurannar, he was gifted a Starlight Saber by Iden himself. With this crimson blade of Hyshian light, Bor cut a bloody swathe through the Merchant Lords. He now leads patrols on the back of his Sludgeraker, looking for the Amber Beasts. Though his reign is still young, local tribes cower in fear at the sight of his crimson beacon moving through the bogs.

After seeing the potential riches to be gathered through trade, Bor seeks to build a mercantile empire between the realms.

Bogswallow Marauders : The Great Weave

Tenets of Bor Goadfist

  • It’s not enough to be rich, you can always be richer.
  • Pride is what gets a knife in your back.
  • If you’re foolish enough to be bamboozled, you deserve it.

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Path to Story


Bor is the leader of the Bogswallow Marauders. During the Hungering Path campaign, Bor will be able to provide rewards for those who swear to join his quests.

Do not destroy without permission

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