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Borgut Entry #2: Tinkle Toes

Aug 9, 2020

Ahhh. The sounds of killin. Borgut love Shyish, Borgut love Lak Bykill. Never Borgut seen so much krumpin. Borgut da best krumpa in da hole war. Dis what make Brighteyes such a smart human. He understands Borgut da best of da best der is. He send Borgut and soulbound gits on a super secret mission only Borgut can pull off. Dis why we winning.

He send Borgut and Da Gits off to Nyuranka so we can do some sneakin. Borgut never sneak before but Borgut know he already da best at sneakin. Better dan da vampire git Zotikos, dat for sure. Maybe not as good as da huge tree man Errrr, but Borgut pretty sure he better dan em’ too.

Borgut use special charm wif da ladies and we get special ride on da money lady’s boat to Nyuranka. We get some stupid pirates try and attack Borgut and lady friend but Borgut just smash em’ to bits and take der stuff. Borgut get mad, Borgut just want to drink and get to da big battle, not fight des stupid gits. We made it to Bolyany and Borgut see da most amazing fing ever. A whole city full of walkin lizard fings! Dey so big like Borgut, Borgut like big fings like Borgut. Dey send us some sneaky gits to help us get trew da cold mountains to make our way to sneakin to da city wif da big magic ball fing. Borgut better at sneakin but Borgut like lizard gitz so Borgut pretend dey are da best.

Borgut and Da Gits make it to Nyuranka. Borgut see da biggest light Borgut ever seen in da middle of da city. But Borgut hear da most amazing sounds. Da sounds of a whole city at war. Borgut see pretty snake ladies fightin da ugly Deamon fings. Borgut know he kill everyfing but Borgut know he have to teach dese soulbound gits how to do da sneakin.

Borgut and Errrr doin good sneakin while Zotikos and Banoffee do da sneakin on da rooftop. Stilly gitz, don’t dey know Borgut da best ninja in da party? Banoffee transform into snake lady and go to trick one but dey won’t talk. So Borgut pick her up by da scrawny wrist and demand some answer. Da bitch just kick an scream. Banoffee control her wif da magic fing to make snake lady tell da truth. She tell us dat da Engine (that’s what we cumin ‘ere for ya see) is in da city commandin da army of snake ladies. Da magic wear off and she start kickin again. Borgut can’t let her go, Borgut feel a littel sad, but Borgut have to kill da tiny lady so Borgut do da honorable fing and smash her skull together wif my hands.

We do da sneakin to da command post but can’t kind no stinkin way in. Borgut had da best idea of all when we find a fire place. Zotikos can control fire, Zotikos can make big boom, Zotikos can make big hole dat can even fit Borgut. Da boom was amazing! Everyfing was on fire. Borgut and Da Gits run inside and steal all da maps and letters and plans of da bad guys. Was so easy for Borgut. Borgut know a map when he see one. It tell Borgut everyfing, da plans, all da fings.

We see da big magic ball fing and Borgut wanna go see it. Borgut get close an Borgut start dreamin. Borgut dramin bout flyin mawkrusha into battle and killin all da enemies. Borgut never wanna leave. Errrr tap me on da shoulder and wake me up. “It’s been six hours of us dreaming, it’s almost morning. It’s time to go”

Borgut and Da Gits make da escape wif all da maps and all da plans. Da bards will sing of da great, mighty, sneaky, handsome, awesome, genius, and smart Borgut forever.

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