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Bought Hammers, wrought Scorn

Dec 17, 2023

Burning Templar

Upon a safe spot on a cliffside overlooking the surrounding desert, a clandestine meeting took place.

Under blood-red tents, Vardeshir the Solemn sat across representatives of one of the disgruntled mercenary companies the Desraki happened to not be able to afford any longer.

The unusual part was that this mercenary company had two heads, since the company also had two separate parts. The Kharadron Captain Brarkeja Hammersworn and Grumnock Rawscorn of the Greyfyrd lodge, with their respective units.

They always worked in tandem, the Paladin knew – Captain Hammersworn’s ships broke through enemy fortifications guns blasting, and when the time was right, Rawscorn’s Slayers simply jumped from the decks into the thick of battle. An effective tactic, so far, and very useful for the Templar doctrine.

The two Duardin sat before him, with sour expressions.

Between them on the table, amongst ornate cups of tea, sat the forcibly disembodied head of some Brassblooded the Fyreslayer obviously intended as a gift.

Rather macabre, and rather Khornate, but Vardeshir had nonetheless resolved to appreciate the gesture. The mercenaries were so dissatisfied with their prior employers that even the mere prospect of getting to slaughter some Desraki was an asset.

“I believe we are in accord, then.” Vardeshir spoke solemnly.

“Indeed.” Hammersworn agreed. “I must admit, our company does not usually deal with followers of the Deceiver.” She glanced over to her Fyreslayer partner – “But Grumnock says the Templars of Our Burning Saviour have a good reputation. Says you are one of the rare honourable ones.”

Now this was amusing coming from mercenaries, especially of a Kharadron and the Greyfyrds, but Vardeshir’s beaked face remained impassive.

“We are His Sword, His Crusaders. We are here to win a Holy War, Captain. Petty Betrayals only serve as hindrances.“

Upon a slight gesture by the Paladin, multiple chests of gold and other valuables were carried inside. The Fyreslayer walked over, regarded the gold closely, then turned towards his compatriot and nodded, obviously satisfied.

The chests obviously bore the sigil of the Desraki. Vardeshir the Solemn noted his guests did not seem to mind the origin – on the contrary, it seemed Brarkeja found some humour in it.

”It is my belief that it is only fair if you receive the first share of the sum agreed upon right now, as a token of trust and… compensation for the regrettable time spent in the Desraki’s employ unpaid.” Vardeshir the Solemn spoke.

“It is likely that the Desraki plan an attack on our siege lines around Old Kleah. Your first engagement in our service may arrive soon. Earlier than anticipated.”

The Kharadron Captain nodded, and the Fyreslayer’s stoic expression gradually turned into a vicious grin.

“Can’t come early enough, cleaving these bastards’ heads in.”

The Tzaangor Paladin rose, towering over the two Duardin.

“May this partnership be blessed beneath His Burning Wings.”

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