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Brassgorge Hold, the Everburning Necropolis


Submitted by:

Burning Templar

The city once known as Brassgorge Hold, was the site of a desperate battle against total annihilation, between a powerful circle of necromancers and their Khornate and Nurglite allies against Templar invasion during the Hellscorn war.

Scars of the ensuing grand magical battle dominate the dead city, as aqshyan, shyishian and chaotic magics still rage within its borders.

The ruins are caught in a permanent conflagration that never seems to completely consume the city, while likewise the dead stir and cannot find rest.

Holy Flamers of Tzeentch patrol the streets and burn to ash any risen dead or trespassers who do not share the faith of the Templars.

Due to the Everburning Flames and the gathering of Holy Flamers the site have become a pilgrimage site for the Faithful, and a monastery of the Priesthood dedicated to Our Burning Saviour has been erected in the vicinity.

In times of threat to the Crusader State, the Flamers have been known to come to the aid of the Tzaangor Templars.


Submitted by:

Burning Templar


Do not destroy without permission


I'm always open for collaboration - if interested, please contact me on discord.

Soulbound Doom Level: 10

Warcry Twist Rules:


Realm Rules:

This realmscape feature has no effect on the battle.


Do not destroy without permission


I'm always open for collaboration - if interested, please contact me on discord.

Soulbound Doom Level: 10

Warcry Twists:


Region of War Rules:

This realmscape feature has no effect on the battle.

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