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Brawen The Bloody Queen

Brawen was born in on the dagger tooth coast to war queen Kugaa beast bane and chief Skriryl Black paw on the 6th day of the hunt  night wolf it was finally killed after the queen give birth to her first child the tribe had lost many good lives in take down including the chief.


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Brawen was born in on the dagger tooth coast to war queen Kugaa beast bane and chief Skriryl Black paw on the 6th day of the hunt  night wolf it was finally killed after the queen give birth to her first child the tribe had lost many good lives in take down including the chief.

The war queen skins the mighty beast to make new village from the bones and fur to get homes for people to rest and recover  she named the new settlement the Serpent’s fang.

Serpent’s fang over six years had suffered from many raids by crimson wolfs mortal forces this attack on the was more savage  and swifter than the rest it claimed many a purple Serpent tribesmen in short period. tribe back to former glory this

would Take  six-year to reach that they are ready to hunt the next beast and In mean time the tribe will have to hunt for small glory’s to impress Loesh the Serpent.

By the time brawen was seven years old the tribe had swollen to double its size so that can begin to find a beast worth of god notice .

I can remember the first man of many that I killed he was Towering over his brethren, his face  hides behind skull helm marked with the symbol of his god brand was  a permanent snarl of rage and hatred priest is swollen with the force of chaos by  the crimson wolf armed with a sinister Ruinous Axe he entered our house seeking prey for the his axe to taste the fresh blood of a another victim but it will not find a anything  in this house only the point of the bone dagger that my mother give me as reward for my first hunt I drive the blade several times deep into his back until he was lying dead on the floor.

The next was two  small wiry man must have been of the blood priest acolytes they were carrying crude axes in both hands clad  in furs and covered in battle scars from head to toe within heart beat the first man was spaying blood from the slash in his neck the second lasted only several seconds longer one quick thrust of blade into his chest in was it was over before he could react.

After I had killed the two acolytes And the priest the joy of ending there lives was best thing that happened to me so far in my life that was when I was first time Loesh the Serpent had given me blessing I had gained  ability to seeking my prey more effectively the hunt had begun.

War queen Kugaa beast bane sent out a hunting party to find the foul behemoth know as the Rot snake was hulking great mass of rotting skin and muscle capable off swallowing city’s whole with one bite of its muscular jaws and contaminating  mighty ocean with foul pestilences  from just a touch of its colossal body a twisted thing in the service to the The grand gardener If the can track the beast and kill it then the

Might get them a blessing from Loesh the Serpent.

The scouting party take over twenty years find the den of the Rot snake located deep in forest of Gnarl woods

In a large cave network Carved out by its foul toxins that The beast produced from sickly pale skin the ground and livening around colossal Creature decayed  and grow new twisted life in the matter of moments.

The Returning scouting party has briefed the war queen on place of the rot snake she gathered  up the tribesmen begin Marching to towards gnarl woods forest and the beasts den.It was three-day March for them from Serpent’s fang ready for their to hunt to begin

The mighty beast took six months to finally finish it of losing many great warriors in the process killing Kugga beast bane making brawen the new queen of The tribe.

Her rule at age  of twenty  begin with a purge of any possible usurpers four  to the  Thorne.The method of using blood eagles to possible traitors earned her earned title of the bloody queen and using knife that her mother give she named it End bringer and then was the fight against invading army the first time the tribe had no hope of winning because the enemy army was larger and better train then her could ever be.

Khokatch Blaze heart  arrived in realm of beast with mission from archon the ever chosen to subjugate the local tribe in service to ever chosen will it happen to be the purple Serpent was the first to be attacked take out the largest tribe first in hope that small one would not point fighting back against him.

Her aim was to take the head of enemy commander head brawen was leading from the front troops for first time in years was going to be a challenge but she had faith in her ability to fight with one quick battle cry the purple serpent was in melee combat with enemy army she found a path towards the king and did not stop until they’re duelling one on one.

Their duel lasted for sixty-six hours because both fighters were equal skill brawen was using her pure savage against the well dispelled swordsman ship of her opponent ending with king Blaze heart  quick stab to the gut bloodied but still standing brawen slashed out with End bringer against the  shoulder of king only go small  gap  in his armour the knife bites deep into flesh.

King had his fun now was for duty he kick brawen in the stomach sending her flying back so that he swings his sword blade to finish the job but brawen surrender before blade could be swing.

Brawen spoke to the king Upon rules  of my tribe you are to be my husband only then will I fully give up on this fight the king had come to respect his opponent as great warrior and queen also spotted chance to end the fighting without further losses on both so he said yes to the offer of marriage.

It was short wedding ceremony that last six days and nights before both set out on a conquest of the small ethnic groups absorbing them one by one until the purple Serpent where only ones that was left .

She  captured  king Cernunnos  while fleeing to realm light as gift to her new husband to execute but  blaze heart said that she could keep him as his punishment to serve until he and men died.


she got wedding gift from her husband king Khokatch Blaze heart the first in form of a brand new mace  and armour created by best iron golems smiths.

Many years latter tribe swollen into grand

Army numbering in thousands marched towards the great worm of Amber Steppes in  Ghur, disrupting the creatures that call the area home, including the Great Worms that criss-cross the land. One of these Worms has now veered off her traditional migration path and has crossed the lands that lie between the grasslands and the symbiotic pair of god-beasts.

She  sees the worms as prey to hunt them down for now join in with a chaos lord of Vorgur Boarfrenzy he too will be prey for End bringer.

it began as I take slow control over chaos forces and get self seat on the city council to feed information back to my men would making yet another attack in their never-ending want to bring low all that is good and pure. With Orders forces spread so thin, the my war band  led by my lieutenant king Cernunnos the first Breached the city of Nasson and begin slaughter the nobles for in search for riches.

I sent forces of  The grand gardener intend to help the Spider fangs as they attempt the create a new nest atop the worm in hope that the city defenders are overwhelm fighting multiple army to once and setting up defence against the force of order.

The sorceress that I sent to lead the force of The grand gardener was killed in attempt to summon daemons by the storm cast eternals ruining a part of my plan but the rest of them complete their work.

Sylvene Lyonaver received my orders to head towards the lay line with the true Aelves as bodyguard provided cover to get located of lay line to carve a tear in reality unleashed the daemon on the realm she successfully summoned the daemons but got dragged into the realm chaos.

I sent the cultists from the city to form in large war band of idolaters led by drazoand the herald of apocalypse seeking the control of forges for the will of Archaon Ever chosen strike deep through Neolotls hidden passages to come up into the city ambushing a free guild patrol before moving close to place of forge. they run into a large patrol of Iron Templar Storm cast Eternals ready for war the Storm cast turn to face the threat and charged with murder and hated in their eyes forced the war band to run away if they could not claim the forge nobody will the war band as one they screamed death is the price of failure before setting them self a blaze.

Weeks later the war band growing tired of hunting down nobles for fun king Cernunnos come with plan to launch a surprise attack on the city of Nassolotyl by trying hijacking Khardron sky ship above Nasson the ran into a free guild regiment defending the sky port willing give very lives to stop the of chaos force winning Cernunnos was in rush so-called for his sorcerers to send for Daemons of the Loesh the serpent burst forward towards the free guild troops dancing way their though them.

After the hijacking Khardron sky ship above

The purple Serpent and their Daemonic allies Stormed into the city cutting down free guild defenders anybody in the way of them over taking control of the settlement in the name of Loesh the Serpent gained a foothold in new city of faun’s leap the Serpent will Devourer the city whole in it’s jaws.I am finally back at the head of my large war band to capture the rift and make daemon hood they carve the path to towards the tear in Reality. for even as Vorgor stood in front of one of the great portals to the realm of chaos, Brawen come up beside him and I come up beside him and tore his head off of his shoulders. Holding the head high above her, surrounded by chaotic forces,ascended to daemonhood before the former followers of Vorgur. She kicks the corpse of Vorgur Boarfrenzy  off the back of the bear and jumps on top of it’s back and rides the bear  to help her escape back to her husband and give it as a wedding gift. She named the bear Olivier.

Khvath Slaveborn

 A slave for the first 17 years of his life, this crafty serpent-man found favor and fortune as a courier and information broker in Carngrad. After successfully emancipating the city’s slaves (in favor of an exploitative profit system), he was chosen to lead the armies of Carngrad in the Prime Dominion War. Now he is a war hero and inter-realm crime lord on the Path to Glory.