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Captain Ysabelle Tetrica


Ysbelle Tetrica is Captain of the Quarterfoil, airship o’the line of the Free City of Cataracis in Ghyran. Quaterfoil sailed south over land three months ago to respond to suspected Idoneth incursions. It is is now moored above Aethburn, a medium-sized city whose protectorate is plagued by Deepkin incursions and other dangers.

Captain Tetrica was charged with raising a crew for the defense of allies of the city of Cataracis, which for two hundred years has sat among the Shimmerfalls of Gloriphus in central Humidia. Tetrica commands a small force of mixed aelves, humans, sylvaneth, and a marine detachment of Stormcast Eternals from the Empyrean Mariners stormhost. The Quatrefoil first moored over the town of Flatcreek, from which Tetrica sent word that Idoneth had indeed been encountered, an estimated 20 leagues inland from the Sea of Blades. Since then she has continued to sail towards the shore, and the Quatrefoil is now docked inside the city walls of Aethburn, where Tetrica now holds a temporary seat on the town counsel. 

Cataracis was founded by colonists from the Living City in an attempt to fortify, study, and cask the Shimmerfalls. Tetrica’s family, however, can trace back to Greywater Fastness, and her temperament is sometimes at odds with her crew. If the typical Ghyranite might value harmonious coexistence, Tetrica is of a more tactical bent. Still, as the hero of the Skyoak Siege of ten years previous, her command has always been respected. Captain Tetrica feels instantly at home in Aethburn as that city can also trace a line to Greywater. She is also growing closer to Prince Jatal, the Deepkin traitor who’s smuggled information and now counsel has been invaluable in the ongoing invasion.

Captain Tetrica leads her crew from the front, often departing the decks on the back of Rubycrest, her jungle griffon. She has never been drawn to the thought of retiring among the Shimmerfalls, and hopes that her present mission draws her ship ever onwards.


Submitted by:

Brian O.


Do not kill/destroy without permission.

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